Abstract | Uvod: Prijelaz iz obrazovnog okruženja u profesionalni svijet predstavlja značajan korak za studente sestrinstva. Spremnost studenata sestrinstva za ulazak u profesiju ovisi o nizu čimbenika, uključujući kvalitetu obrazovanja, praktične vještine stečene tijekom kliničke prakse te emocionalnu i psihološku pripremljenost za rad u stvarnim zdravstvenim okruženjima.
Cilj: Procijeniti spremnost studenata završnih godina sestrinstva za prelazak u profesiju ocjenjivanjem njihovog slaganja ili neslaganja s ponuđenim tvrdnjama koje se odnose na kliničke kompetencije, praksu utemeljenu na znanstvenim istraživanjima, administraciju i pacijentu orijentiranu skrb.
Metode: Provedeno je opažajno presječno istraživanje u kojem su sudjelovali redovni i izvanredni studenti završnih godina sestrinstva s Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta i Zdravstvenog veleučilišta Zagreb (N=200). Podaci su prikupljeni putem online ankete koja je prilagođena potrebama ovog diplomskog rada. Prvi dio ankete obuhvaćao je sociodemografska pitanja, a drugi dio je upitnik PPNS koji je preveden na hrvatski jezik po važećim pravilima za prijevod i adaptaciju.
Rezultati: Svi su ispitanici iskazali spremnost za prelazak u profesiju koja je procijenjena kao izvrsna kod 48,5 %, dobra 48,5 % te srednja kod 3 % studenata. Iako studenti diplomskog studija pokazuju više prosječne vrijednosti spremnosti za tržište rada u odnosu na studente prijediplomskog studija (74,58 ± 11,99 vs. 76,90 ± 11,76) razlike nisu statistički značajne (t=-1,359; p=0,176). Izvanredni studenti imaju statistički značajno višu percipiranu spremnost za tržište rada u odnosu na redovite studente prijediplomskog (71,50 ± 9,91 vs. 77,94 ± 13,19; t=-3,002; p=0,003) te diplomskog studija (73,33 ± 10,99 vs. 79,78 ± 11,68; t=-2,565; p=0,012).
Zaključak: Studenti završnih godina sestrinstva spremni su za ulazak u profesiju, odnosno početak rada. Izvanredni studenti pokazuju više prosječne vrijednosti spremnosti za tržište rada. To sugerira da izvanredni studenti imaju određena iskustva koja doprinose njihovoj većoj spremnosti za tržište rada u usporedbi s redovitim studentima. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: The transition from the educational environment to the professional world is a significant step for nursing students. Nursing students' readiness to enter the profession depends on a number of factors, including the quality of education, practical skills acquired during clinical placements, and emotional and psychological readiness to work in real-world healthcare settings.
Objective: The objective of this paper is to assess the readiness of final year nursing students to transition into the profession by evaluating their agreement or disagreement with the offered statements related to clinical competencies, practice based on scientific research, administration and patient-oriented care.
Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in which full-time and part-time nursing students from the Croatian Catholic University and the University of Applied Studies Zagreb (N=200). The data was collected through an online survey that was adapted to the needs of this thesis. The first part of the survey included socio-demographic questions, and the second part was the PPNS questionnaire, which was translated into Croatian according to the current rules for translation and adaptation.
Results: All participants expressed their willingness to transition into a profession that was rated as excellent by 48.5%, good by 48.5%, and average by 3% of students. Although graduate students show higher average readiness for the job market compared to undergraduate students (74.58 ± 11.99 vs. 76.90 ± 11.76), the differences are not statistically significant (t=-1.359; p=0.176). Part-time students have a statistically significantly higher perceived readiness for the job market compared to full-time undergraduate students (71.50 ± 9.91 vs. 77.94 ± 13.19; t=-3.002; p=0.003) and graduate students (73.33 ± 10.99 vs. 79.78 ± 11.68; t=-2.565; p=0.012).
Conclusion: We can conclude that the final year nursing students expressed their readiness to enter the profession, that is, to start working. Extraordinary students, both in undergraduate and graduate studies, show a slightly higher average value of readiness for the labor market. This suggests that part-time students have certain experiences that contribute to their greater readiness for the labor market compared to full-time students. |