Title Kreativne prakse i identifikacijski procesi kreatora video igara u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Creative Practices and Identification Processes of Video Game Developers in Croatia
Author Karlo Tukša
Mentor Lucija Mihaljević (mentor)
Committee member Josip Ježovita (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miriam Mary Brgles (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lucija Mihaljević (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Sociology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Video igre su se utemeljile kao predvodnička snaga zabavljačke industrije. Danas se pojavljuju kao složen i moćan medij čiji se utjecaj na društvenu svakodnevicu ne može zanemariti. Unatoč popularnosti i financijskim uspjesima medija, javni se diskurs o video igrama, pa čak i onaj znanstveni, vrlo često svodi na predrasudama poduprte diskusije o njihovim potencijalno štetnim i asocijalnim učincima. Posljedica ovoga je nedovoljan broj objektivnih istraživanja o video igrama te zanemarivanje legitimnih pozitivnih ishoda koje video igre mogu uzrokovati. Osim navedenog, postojeća istraživanja fokusiraju se prvenstveno na korisnike video igara i zanemaruju svijet kreatora koji, uz pomoć različitih vještina, kreiraju zanimljiva i zabavna iskustva. Pojedini autori videoigre doživljavaju kao novi oblik popularne umjetnosti upravo zato što one spajaju veliki broj umjetničkih izričaja u jednu cjelinu. Prema tome, pristupiti produkciji video igara kao svijetu umjetnosti a ne kao klasičnoj ,,industriji“ pružalo bi puno objektivniju i iscrpniju perspektivu o industriji igara. Teorijski okvir rada obuhvaća pregled relevantnih teorija i literature, uključujući teoriju igre, kulturu video igara, identitet unutar navedene kulture, industriju video igara te karakteristike procesa njihove izrade. Za potrebe rada provedeno je šest intervjua sa sudionicima koji profesionalno djeluju u hrvatskoj industriji video igara. Sudionici su iznosili svoja iskustva, temeljne principe i vrijednosti rada, ulogu kreativnosti u procesu izrade video igara te, u konačnici, važnost video igara u njihovom svakodnevnom životu. Dobivene podatke smo analizirali po principima latentnog kodiranja kako bismo bolje razumjeli i usporedili odgovore sudionika s prethodno iznesenim teorijskim okvirom rada. Rezultati analize prikazali su hrvatsku industriju video igara kao zajednicu zaljubljenika koju objedinjuje pionirski duh i želja za kreiranjem zanimljivih igara koje će ostvariti njihove kreativne i umjetničke ambicije. Sudionici, osim što ih doživljavaju kao zabavu, video igre percipiraju kao potencijalno vrijedna iskustva sposobna generiranja kulture koju je potrebno njegovati.
Abstract (english) Video games have established themselves as a leading force in the entertainment industry. Today, they emerge as a complex and powerful medium whose impact on everyday social life cannot be ignored. Despite the popularity and financial success of the medium, public discourse about video games, even in scientific circles, often revolves around prejudiced discussions about their potentially harmful and antisocial effects. The consequence of this is an insufficient number of objective studies on video games and the neglect of legitimate positive outcomes that video games can cause. Additionally, existing research primarily focuses on video game users and neglects the world of creators who, with the help of various skills, create interesting and entertaining experiences. Some authors perceive video games as a new form of popular art precisely because they combine a large number of artistic expressions into one whole. Therefore, approaching video game production as a world of art rather than a classic "industry" would provide a much more objective and comprehensive perspective on the game industry. The theoretical framework of this paper includes a review of relevant theories and literature, including game theory, video game culture, identity within that culture, the video game industry, and the characteristics of their production processes. For the purposes of this paper, six interviews were conducted with participants who professionally work in the Croatian video game industry. Participants shared their experiences, fundamental principles and work values, the role of creativity in the video game production process, and ultimately, the importance of video games in their everyday lives. The obtained data were analyzed using latent coding principles to better understand and compare the participants' responses with the previously presented theoretical framework of the paper. The analysis results depicted the Croatian video game industry as a community of enthusiasts united by a pioneering spirit and a desire to create interesting games that will achieve their creative and artistic ambitions. Participants perceive video games not only as entertainment but also as potentially valuable experiences capable of generating a culture that needs to be nurtured.
identifikacijski procesi
kreativne prakse
kultura video igara
kreatori video igara
Keywords (english)
identification processes
creative practices
video game culture
video game creators
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:194060
Study programme Title: Department of Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-11-07 12:19:53