Abstract | Odraslost u nastajanju obuhvaća mlade koji iako formalno punoljetni još nisu u potpunosti samostalni, financijski neovisni i odgovorni u pojedinim aspektima života. Brojni faktori utječu na to kako će se oni nositi s nestabilnostima i izazovima ovoga razdoblja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati odnos otpornosti, socijalne podrške, straha od propuštanja i psihološke dobrobiti mladih u razdoblju odraslosti u nastajanju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 350 ispitanika, a uvjet za sudjelovanje je bila dob koja se odnosi na ovo razdoblje - 18 do 29 godina. Istraživanje je provedeno online putem, a korišteni su sljedeći upitnici: Kratka skala otpornosti BRS (Smith i sur., 2008; prema Slišković i sur., 2018), Multidimenzionalna skala za procjenu percipirane socijalne podrške MSPSS (Zimet i sur., 1990), Skala straha od propuštanja FOMO (Abel i sur., 2016) i Skala psihološke dobrobiti PWB (Ryff, 1989; prema Ryff i Keyes, 1995). Rezultati istraživanja utvrdili su da ne postoji razlika u psihološkoj dobrobiti između muškaraca i žena u razdoblju odraslosti u nastajanju. Provedbom hijerarhijske regresijske analize utvrđeno je kako ispitani skup varijabli objašnjava 41,4% varijance kriterijske varijable psihološke dobrobiti te da varijable spola, obrazovanja, otpornosti, socijalne podrške i straha od propuštanja značajno doprinose psihološkoj dobrobiti mladih. Iako spol nije izravno povezan s psihološkom dobrobiti, pokazalo se da ima blagi supresorski učinak jer postaje značajan prediktor u objašnjenju varijance psihološke dobrobiti kad se u analizu uključe ostale varijable te ju preko njih dodatno objašnjava. Sudionici koji su obrazovaniji, otporniji na stres, s većom percipiranom socijalnom podrškom i manjim strahom od propuštanja doživljavaju više razine psihološke dobrobiti. |
Abstract (english) | Emerging adulthood refers to young people who, although formally adults, are not yet fully independent nor financially independent nor responsible in certain aspects of life. Numerous factors influence how they will cope with the instabilities and challenges of this period. The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between resilience, social support, fear of missing out and psychological well-being among young people in emerging adulthood. The study included 350 participants, and the condition for participation was the age related to this period—18 to 29 years. The research was conducted online, and the following questionnaires were used: the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS; Smith et al., 2008, as per Slišković et al., 2018), the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS; Zimet et al., 1990), the Fear of Missing Out Scale (FOMO; Abel et al., 2016), and the Psychological Well-being Scale (PWB; Ryff, 1989, as per Ryff & Keyes, 1995).
The results of the research found no difference in psychological well-being between men and women in the period of emerging adulthood. By conducting hierarchical regression analysis, it was determined that the examined set of variables explained 41.4% of the variance in the criterion variable of psychological well-being and that the variables of gender, education, resilience, social support, and fear of missing out significantly contributed to the psychological well-being of young people. Although gender was not directly linked to psychological well-being, it showed a slight suppressor effect, becoming a significant predictor in explaining the variance of psychological well-being when other variables were included in the analysis, thereby explains it through those variables. Participants who are more educated, more resilient to stress, with higher perceived social support, and a lower fear of missing out experienced higher levels of psychological well-being. |