Title Upravljanje imidžom u javnom nastupu
Title (english) Image Management in Public Speaking
Author Ivona Štavun
Mentor Marijana Togonal (mentor)
Committee member Jasna Ćurković Nimac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Togonal (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristijan Sedak (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Javni nastup predstavlja svako javno izlaganje pred publikom, a kojem smo svakodnevno
izloženi u profesionalnom životu. Javni govor sadrži više poželjnih, organiziranih i povezanih
elemenata. Javno bi se izlaganje, dakle, trebalo unaprijed pripremati, a u toj pripremi govornik
bi trebao biti svjestan značenja svih elemenata jer svi oni zajedno utječu na izgradnju imidža.
Publika stječe dojam o govorniku već na samom početku njegova nastupa, a govornik je
odgovoran za kreiranje pozitivnog dojma, kao i za njegovo održavanje tijekom nastupa. Cilj je
ovog rada predstaviti važnost, ali i načine upravljanja imidžom kreiranim javnim nastupom,
kako bi govornik bio vjerodostojan i profesionalan. U radu su analizirani temeljni aspekti javne
komunikacije, poput važnosti kongruencije, to jest usklađenost verbalne, neverbalne i
paraverbalne komunikacije, utjecaj treme ili straha od javnih nastupa na govornika, a
posljedično i na njegov imidž, te metode kontrole treme. Kao potkrjepa određenim teorijskim
tumačenjima u rad su integrirani primjeri javnih nastupa poznatih govornika koji su svojim
nastupima i govorima ostali zapamćeni pozitivnim ili negativnim imidžom. U istraživačkom
dijelu rada provedeni su polustrukturirani intervjui s doc. dr. sc. Nikolinom Borčić i
Veronikom Štefanko, mag. educ. phon. Obje sudionice potvrdile su tvrdnje objašnjene u
teorijskom dijelu ovoga rada.
Abstract (english) Public performance is any public presentation in front of an audience, which we are exposed
to every day in our professional life. Public speaking contains a number of desirable, organized
and connected elements. Therefore, the public presentation should be prepared in advance,
and in this preparation the speaker should be aware of the meaning of all elements because
they all together influence the building of the image. The audience gets an impression of the
speaker at the very beginning of his performance, and the speaker is responsible for creating
a positive impression, as well as for maintaining it during the performance. The aim of this
work is to present the importance, but also the ways of managing the image created by public
speaking, so that the speaker is credible and professional. The paper analyzes the fundamental
aspects of public communication, such as the importance of congruence, that is the harmony
of verbal, non-verbal and paraverbal communication, the influence of stage fright or fear of
public speaking on the speaker, and consequently on his image, and methods of controlling
stage fright. As support for certain theoretical interpretations, the work includes examples of
public performances by well-known speakers who were remembered with a positive or
negative image through their performances and speeches. In the research part of the work,
semi-structured interviews were conducted with Assoc. Ph. D. Nikolina Borčić and Veronika
Štefanko, mag. educ. phon. Both participants confirmed the statements explained in the
theoretical part of this paper.
javni nastup
verbalna komunikacija
neverbalna komunikacija
paraverbalna komunikacija
strah od javnih nastupa
Keywords (english)
public speaking
verbal communication
nonverbal communication
paraverbal communication
stage fright
fear of public speaking
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:464329
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-11-14 09:11:29