Title Reprezentacija migranata u hrvatskim medijima: primjer izbjeglička kriza 2015./2016.
Title (english) Representation of migrants in croatian media: example of refugee crisis 2015/2016
Author Lana Čerkez
Mentor Ivan Balabanić (mentor)
Committee member Tado Jurić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Roko Mišetić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Balabanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Sociology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Abstract Ovim radom želi se predstaviti reprezentacija migranata u hrvatskim medijima, a sam proces biti će prikazan na primjeru izbjegličke krize koja je započela 2015. godine. Kako bi se utjecaj medija mogao pravilno prikazati, potrebno je o medijima znati više pa se tako u radu spominje nastanak, oblici i interpretacija medija, poglavlje koje služi objašnjenju tiska kao prvotnog medija koji se potom razvojem tehnologije razgranao u druge oblike poput radija, televizije, ali i digitalnog medija. Samo definiranje medija nije dovoljno, već je važno prikazati i na koji način se mediji interpretiraju, tj. prikazati važnost medijske pismenosti koja je izuzetno važna kod mlađih korisnika interneta, a prvenstveno djece. Nadovezujući se na to, poglavlje o medijskoj konstrukciji zbilje pobliže će prikazati na koji način mediji mogu manipulirati masama te nose li oni subliminarne poruke zajedno s informacijama o kojima izvještavaju. Usko vezan uz pojam medijske konstrukcije zbilje vezuje se i framing koncept te problem objektivnosti koji se pojavljuje onda kada se frame-ovi konstruiraju na krivi način te onda kada zavlada prevelika subjektivnost novinara koja utječe na globalnu objektivnost i stvara krivu sliku o određenom događaju.Budući da zbog jače reakcije građanstva na loše vijesti u novinarstvu prevladavaju uglavnom takve, postavlja se pitanje da li dobre vijesti imaju šanse pred onim lošima. U ovom poglavlju govori se kako mediji nisu samo po sebi loši ili dobri, već uvelike ovise o kreatoru informacije i interpretaciji krajnjeg konzumenta te shodno s time svakako svoje pozitivne i negativne utjecaje ostvaruju isključivo kroz sadržaje koje uključuju i kontekst u kojima se doživljavaju. Nakon predstavljanja medija i njihovog utjecaja u radu je detaljno objašnjena imigrantska kriza, njezini uzroci te izvještavanje o njezinu toku u Republici Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Za kraj, provedeno je veliko istraživanje koje se izvodilo na 11 portala i pripadajućih 165 članaka te je za potrebe analize sadržaja tih članaka unaprijed izrađena analitička matrica. Nakon iščitavanja i upisivanja podataka, dobiveni rezultati sortirani su u tablice i interpretirani. Slijedi zaključak koji objedinjuje sve teorijske stavke i one praktične te se time zaključuje ovaj rad.
Abstract (english) This paper aims to present the representation of immigrants in the Croatian media, and the process itself will be presented on the example of a refugee crisis that started in 2015. In order to show the influence of the media properly, it is necessary to know more about the media, so the paper mentions the occurrence, forms and interpretations of the media, a chapter that serves as an explanation of the print media as the first media that after developed into other forms such as radio, television, but also the digital media. Just defining the media is not enough and it is important to show how the media is interpreted, the importance of media literacy (which is extremely important for younger Internet users, and primarily children). Additionally, the chapter on the media structure of reality will more closely illustrate how the media can manipulate masses and whether they carry subliminal messages along with the information they report. The close relation to the notion of media structure is linked to the framing concept and the problem of objectivity that occurs when the frames are constructed in the wrong way and then when the journalist's excessive subjectivity influences global objectivity and creates the wrong picture of a particular event. Because of the stronger reaction of citizens to bad news in journalism, they mostly prevail, and then the question whether the good news have a chance in comparison to those bad ones is really important. In this chapter it is written that the media are not only bad or good by themselves but largely depend on the creator of the information and interpretation of the final consumer, and accordingly, their positive and negative impacts are realized solely through the content that includes the context in which they are perceived. After the presentation of the media and their influence, the paper presents the immigration crisis, its causes and reporting of its course in the Republic of Croatia and the world. In the end, a large survey was conducted on 11 sites and the associated 165 articles and for the purpose of analyzing the contents of these articles, an analytical matrix was prepared beforehand. After reading and entering the data, the results were sorted into tables and interpreted. Following is a conclusion that combines all the theoretical and practical elements and concludes this work.
izbjeglička kriza
analitička matrica
Keywords (english)
refugee crisis
analytical matrix
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:410614
Study programme Title: Department of Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-01-28 07:46:27