Title Carski dvor prema Amijanu Marcelinu
Title (english) The royal court according to Ammianus Marcellinus
Author Borna Karnaš
Mentor Ivan Majnarić (mentor)
Mentor Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Kekez (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Feđa Milivojević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Siniša Bilić-Dujmušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Ancient History
Abstract U ovome se radu obrađuje tematika carskog dvora prema Amijanu Marcelinu. Uz temeljnu literaturu, povijesni izvor Res Gestae, te stručna i znanstvena djela historiografa, u radu se analizira što je i kako Amijan opisivao kada je govorio o carskome dvoru u vremenu od 353. do 378. godine.
Kroz rad se istražuje je li postojala pristranost u pisanju, gledajući što se može uvidjeti da je namjerno naglašavao, a što je možda ostavio nezamjetno. Želeći vidjeti kako i u kojoj mjeri je Amijan pokazivao
... More dvor i kakve je imao utjecaje na društvo, rad je podijeljen na sedam tematskih poglavlja. Predstavljen je Amijanov život, zajedno sa poviješću njegova djela i stavu današnjih povjesničara o njemu kao vjerodostojnome autoru. Nadalje, u radu se govori o dvorskoj administraciji, prilikom čega se tumači terminologija dvorjana, mobilnost dvora i uloga purpura. Obrađuje se Amijanov prikaz carske moći na primjeru carice Euzenije i careva Julijana i Konstancija II. Agentes in rebus, dvorske zavjere i općenito tajne misije, analiziraju se kako bi se mogla shvatiti njihova fundamentalan uloga. Pojava, utjecaj i djelovanje uzurpatora Silvana i Prokopija, analizira se kako bi se prikazala uloga dvora u rješavanju pretendenata, i kako je sam Amijan opisao te situacije. Obrađuje se i tematika dvorskih eunuha s naglaskom na Euzebija i Euterija, dok se zadnje poglavlje odnosi na ulogu religije na carskome dvoru, kao i Amijanove stavove prema vjerskim pitanjima.
Cilj obrade i analize navedenih primjera je zaključiti kako je Amijan opisao carski dvor, te u kolikoj je mjeri bio vjerodostojan. Less
Abstract (english) This paper deals with the subject of the imperial court according to Ammianus Marcellinus. Using the historical source of Res Gestae, together with modern historian literature, the paper analyzes what and how Ammianus described the imperial court in the period from 353 to 378. AD.
The purpose of this work is to research and investigate whether or not there was a bias in his writing, what was Ammianus intentionally emphasizing, and what he might have wanted to hide. In order to see how and
... More to what extent Ammianus described the court and what kind of influence it had on the society, the work is divided into seven tematic chapters. After the introduction, the first chapter deals with Ammianus 's life, along with the history of his work and the attitudes of today's historians about him as a credible author. The paper also elaborates on the court administration, in which the court's terminology, court mobility and the role of the colour purple is defined and explained. The Ammianus account of imperial power is elaborated on the example of Empress Euzebia and Emperors Julianus and Constantius II. The role of agentes in rebus, court conspiracies and secret missions in general are explored as well. The subject of the usurpers Silvanus and Procopius and the role of the court in dealing with them is also presented and explored, specifically emphasizing on Ammianus's role in those situations. The topic of court eunuchs is also discussed, with the emphasis on Eusebius and Euterius, while the last chapter deals with the role of religion in the imperial court, as well as with Ammianus's attitude towards religious issues.
These subjects are explored in order to conclude how valid Ammianus's description of the imperial court was and also the extent and the credibility of his work. Less
Amijan Marcelin
carski dvor
Res Gestae
Rimsko Carstvo
Keywords (english)
Ammianus Marcellinus
Late Roman Empire
Res Gestae
Royal court
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:469381
Study programme Title: Department of History Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti (magistar/magistra povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-11-07 09:03:53