Title Teorijski prikaz odnosa masovnih medija i terorizma
Title (english) Theoretical representation of relationship between mass medija and terrorism
Author Kristina Klasnić
Mentor Irena Sever Globan (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Balabanić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Sever Globan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Bara (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Sociology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Terorizam kao oblik nasilnog djelovanja nije pojava suvremenog doba. Naime, on se pojavljuje već u 1. stoljeću, dok se kao moderan primjer terorizma navodi Indija, gdje se razvila filozofija bombe. Demokracija, modernizam i liberalizam idu ruku pod ruku sa širenjem terorizma, upravo, zbog sve većih ljudskih sloboda koje su dovele do olakšanih mogućnosti za nasilno djelovanje. Općenito govoreći, terorizam se definira kao akcija koja je usmjerena na ubijanje ili nanošenje velike štete civilima sa ciljem prenošenja poruke vladajućima ili isključivo širenju straha i panike. Međutim, on se najčešće pokazao kao neefikasan oblik dolaska do političkih ciljeva. Razvojem društvenih znanosti, sve veća pažnja se pridaje teorijskim perspektivama koje se bave terorizmom, a neke od njih su teorije moći, teorije društvenih pokreta i organizacijske teorije. Kao uzroke terorizma, Rex. A. Hudson navodi nekoliko mogućih hipoteza poput frustracije- agresije, negativnog identiteta i narcisoidnog bijesa. Teroristi su vrlo dobro upoznati sa prednostima koje donose masovni mediji i tehnologija 21. stoljeća pa iste koriste prilikom planiranja svake sljedeće akcije ili kao pomoć kod regrutiranja novih članova organizacije. Razvojem masovnih medija razvija se i informacijski terorizam, a teroristička mreža proteže se diljem svijeta. S druge strane, mediji koriste terorističke napade kako bi povećali gledanost i stekli profit, dok novinari senzacionalističkim izvještavanjem o napadima „hrane“ teroriste željne medijske pažnje i tako ih potiču na nove napade. Edukacija, stroži zakoni koji se tiču izvještavanja o terorizmu i redefiniranje etike i morala objektivnog novinarstva samo su neki od potrebnih koraka kako bi se smanjila teroristička manipulacija medija, ali i medijska manipulacija širom javnošću. Sukladno tome, postavlja se pitanje o granicama medijske slobode, te o prednostima i nedostacima cenzure.
Abstract (english) Terrorism as a form of violent acting is not a phenomenon of modern era. Namely, it appears in the 1. century, while India is used as a modern example of terrorism, due to their bomb philosophy. Democracy, modernism and liberalism go hand and hand with spreading of terrorism, because of bigger human rights, that enabled more posibilities for violent acting. Generaly speaking, terrorism is defined as an action directed towards killing or hurting civilians as objective to transfer a message to those in command, or just to eradiate fear and panic. Due to development of social sciences, more attention is being drawn to theoretical perspectives of terrorism, and some of them are the following: theories of power, theories of social movements and organisational theories. As cause of terrorism, Rex. A. Hudson is proposing couple of hypothesis, such as frustration- anger, negative identity and narcissistic anger. Terrorism is shown as non- effective form of meeting individual political goals. However, terrorists as very well informed about advanteges of mass media and technology of 21. century, so they use them while planning their furthure actions or to recrute more members for the organisation. Because of the evolution of mass media, informational terrorism is also evolving and terrorist network is spreading accros the world. On the other hand, the media is using terrorist attacks to improve their ratings and to make more profit, while journalists with their sensationalism in reports are „feeding“ terrorist who are hungry for media attention, and there for encourage them to attack again. Education, more strict laws regarding media reports about terrorism and redefining of ethics and moral of objective journalism, are some of the steps that need to be made to minimaze terrorist manipulation of media, as well as media manipulation of public. Regarding, the question is where is the line of media freedom and what are negative and positive sides of censorship.
masovni mediji
teorije terorizma
informacijski terorizam
Keywords (english)
mass media
theories of terrorism
information terrorism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:373100
Study programme Title: Department of Sociology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sociologije (magistar/magistra sociologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-11-29 10:14:40