Title Ćirilični natpisi grkokatoličke zajednice u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Cyrillic inscriptions of the Greek Catholic Church in Croatia
Author Mihael Petrik
Mentor Ivan Botica (mentor)
Committee member Filip Galović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Matijević-Sokol (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Botica (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-12-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Medieval Croatian and World History
Abstract U radu su doneseni dostupni i pronađeni natpisi koji su baština grkokatoličke zajednice u Hrvatskoj. Obilaskom grkokatoličkih crkava i kapela ustanovljena je njihova spomenička topografija te je prema unutarnjem uređenju Križevačke biskupije (eparhije) raspoređena u katalogu. Svaki je mjesni natpis popraćen fotografijom, izvornim tekstom, prijevodom, vremenom nastanka, materijalom, jezikom i pismom te popratnim komentarom. Ukupno je evidentirano 195 jedinica. Utvrđeno je da u natpisima s liturgijskom svrhom (ikone, ikonostasi, plaštanice, freske itd.) značajno prevladava bizantska jezična i grafijska tradicija (crkvenoslavenski jezik, ćirilica i alfabet). Isto tako, natpisi drukčije namjene i sadržaja poput isticanja obljetnica, važnijih događaja, gradnji objekata itd. često su na jezicima i pismima lokalne zajednice kojoj sakralna građevina s natpisom pripada (ukrajinski, rusinski, hrvatski, grčki, engleski, rumunjski; ćirilica, alfabet, latinica). Isto je tako utvrđeno da natpisa na narodnom jeziku u liturgijskoj svrsi ima u puno većem broju u Slavonsko-srijemskom negoli u Križevačkom vikarijatu jer je ondje zamjetna ukrajinska i rusinska zajednica koje imaju liturgijsku službu na svojim jezicima. Grkokatolička je sakralna baština u istočnijem dijelu Hrvatske prilično stradala u Domovinskom ratu, ali je većina obnavljana vjerno u izvornom obliku te se time naglasilo kako nema prekida kontinuiteta i odmaka od tradicije. To se, dakako, odnosi i na natpise na ćirilici prema kojoj je ambivalentan stav u hrvatskoj javnosti. Češćih pak natpisa na hrvatskom jeziku i latinici ima u Križevačkom vikarijatu, ali ni ondje nema latinizacije vikarijata jer su ti natpisi raspoređeni kroz vrijeme.
Abstract (english) This paper presents the inscriptions of the Greek Catholic Church in Croatia. A tour of the Greek Catholic churches and chapels established their topography and was arranged according to the organization of the Diocese (Eparchy) of Križevci. Each discovered inscription was accompanied by a photograph, original text, translation, time of creation, material, language and script, and accompanying commentary. This resulted in a catalogue of 195 units. A discussion was held on the collected inscriptions afterwards. It has been established that the Byzantine linguistic and graphic tradition (Church Slavonic and Greek language, Cyrillic and Greek script) significantly prevails in inscriptions with liturgical purpose (icons, iconostasis, shrouds, frescoes, etc.), i.e. that the inscriptions have a different purpose and content, such as celebrating anniversaries, important events, building constructions, etc. often in the languages and scripts of the community to which the sacral building belongs (Ukrainian, Ruthenian and Croatian language; Cyrillic and Latin alphabet). It was also established that there are many more inscriptions in the vernacular for liturgical purposes in Slavonia-Srijem than in the Križevci Vicariate because there are prominent Ukrainian and Ruthenian communities that have liturgical services in their languages. The Greek Catholic sacral heritage in the eastern part of Croatia was significantly damaged in the Croatian War of Independence, but most of it was faithfully restored in its original form, thus emphasizing that there is no interruption of continuity and departure from tradition. This, of course, also applies to inscriptions in that part of Croatia, because in most cases there is no deviation from the Cyrillic alphabet. There are more frequent inscriptions in Croatian language and Latin alphabet in the Križevci Vicariate, but there is no Latinization of the Vicariate there either, because these inscriptions are distributed over time.
Križevačka eparhija
grkokatolička zajednica
epigrafski spomenici
crkvenoslavenski jezik
Keywords (english)
Eparchy of Križevci
Greek Catholic Church
Epigraphic Sources
Old Church Slavonic
Cyrillic Script
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:980799
Study programme Title: Department of History Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti (magistar/magistra povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-12-15 13:39:55