Abstract | Uvod: Novi virus, SARS-CoV-2 koji uzrokuje bolest COVID-19 prvi puta je opisan u Kini krajem 2019. godine, a doveo je do proglašenja pandemije na svjetskoj razini u ožujku 2020. godine. COVID-19 bolest ostavila je negativne posljedice na fizičko i psihičko zdravlje diljem ljudi diljem svijeta. Određene skupine u društvu, poput studenata, izložene su većim razinama stresa u svojoj svakodnevici te pripadaju u ranjive skupine kada je u pitanju mentalno zdravlje. Stres je fizički, kemijski ili emocionalni čimbenik koji uzrokuje tjelesnu ili mentalnu napetost te može biti čimbenik koji utječe na nastanak bolesti.
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti prisutnosti i izraženost simptoma stresa povezanih s pandemijom COVID-19 u studenata Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta te u kojoj je mjeri stres imao utjecaj na široki aspekt svakodnevice života studenata.
Metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 223 ispitanika, studenata Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta. Provedeno je presječno istraživanje putem online upitnika. Upitnik COVID Stress Scales mjera je samoprocjene osmišljena za procjenu opasnosti i straha od kontaminacije povezanih s COVID-19, straha od socio-ekonomskih posljedica, ksenofobije, kompulzivne provjere i traženja pomoći te traumatskih simptoma stresa.
Rezultati: U ispitanika (n = 223) u ovom istraživanju je najviše izražen osjećaj opasnosti, zatim kontaminacija. Slijedi traženje pomoći, ksenofobija, socio-ekonomske posljedice te traumatski stres. Najveći mogući rezultat na nekom od simptoma je 24, a niti jedan od simptoma nema aritmetičku sredinu veću od 11, može se reći da na našem uzroku simptomi nisu izraženi u velikoj mjeri.
Zaključak: Zaključno možemo reći da iako simptomi stresa u ovome istraživanju nisu značajno izraženi, međutim, potrebno je osigurati adekvatnu skrb svim rizičnim skupinama te pružiti pomoć u brizi za mentalno zdravlje svima kojima je potrebna, posebice za kriznih situacija poput pandemije. |
Abstract (english) | Background: A new virus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19, was first described in China at the end of 2019, and led to the declaration of a pandemic at the world level in March 2020. The disease COVID-19 has left negative consequences on the physical and mental health of people around the world. Certain groups in society, such as students, are exposed to higher levels of stress in their everyday lives and belong to vulnerable groups when it comes to mental health. Stress is a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes physical or mental tension and can be a factor that affects the onset of disease.
Aim: The aim of this research was to investigate the presence and expression of stress symptoms related to the COVID-19 pandemic in students at the Catholic University of Croatia and to what extent the stress affected a broad aspect of students' daily lives.
Methods: 223 respondents, students at the Catholic University of Croatia, participated in the research. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using an online questionnaire. The COVID Stress Scales questionnaire is a self-report measure designed to assess threat and fear of contamination related to COVID-19, fear of socio-economic consequences, xenophobia, compulsive checking and help-seeking, and traumatic stress symptoms.
Results: In the respondents (n=223) in this research, the feeling of danger was the most pronounced, followed by contamination. This is followed by seeking help, xenophobia, socio-economic consequences, and traumatic stress. The highest possible score for any of the symptoms is 24, and none of the symptoms has an arithmetic mean greater than 11, it can be said that the symptoms are not expressed to a large extent in our cause.
Conclusion: In conclusion, we can say that although the symptoms of stress in this research are not significantly expressed it is necessary to provide adequate care to all risk groups and provide help in mental health care to all who need it, especially for crisis situations such as a pandemic. |