Title Stilovi vožnje, lokus kontrole i dispozicijski afekt kod mladih vozača
Title (english) Driving styles, locus of control and dispositional affect among young drivers
Author Božo Vodopija
Mentor Tihana Brkljačić (mentor)
Committee member Anamarija Bogović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Majda Rijavec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihana Brkljačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Budući prometne nesreće predstavljaju vodeći uzrok smrti u dobi između 5 i 29 godina, te ih je gotovo 90% uzrokovano ljudskim faktorom, jasna je potreba za produbljivanjem znanja o ponašanju vozača. Kako u dosadašnjim istraživanjima, koja su ispitivala odnos lokusa kontrole i stilova vožnje sa sudjelovanjem u prometnim nesrećama i prekršajima, nisu korišteni identični instrumenti, a utjecaj dispozicijskog afekta na vožnju je vrlo malo istraživan, cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ispitati odnos demografskih karakteristika vozača, vozačkog lokusa kontrole, dispozicijskog afekta, stila vožnje te iskustva s prometnim nesrećama i prometnim prekršajima. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 231 ispitanik, 140 žena te 91 muškarac s važećom dozvolom B kategorije, u dobi od 18 do 30 godina.
Rezultati pokazuju kako su muškarci skloniji rizičnom, a žene strpljivom i pažljivom, disocijativnom te anksioznom stilu vožnje. Vozači koji voze češće preferiraju rizični i ljutiti stil, a oni koji voze rjeđe, strpljivi i pažljivi, te anksiozni stil vožnje. Osobe internalnog lokusa kontrole su sklonije disocijativnom, ljutitom i rizičnom stilu vožnje, a manje su sklone strpljivom i pažljivom stilu vožnje. Osobe eksternalnog lokusa manje preferiraju rizični i ljutiti stil vožnje, a sklonije su anksioznom stilu vožnje. Osobe koje mogućnost prometnih nesreća pripisuju sudbini, skloniji su disocijativnom stilu vožnje. Osobe pozitivnog afekta preferiraju strpljivi i pažljivi, a manje su skloni anksioznom stilu vožnje. Osobe negativnog afekta sklonije su anksioznom te disocijativnom stilu vožnje. Osobe internalnog lokusa kontrole i ljutitog stila vožnje češći su sudionici prometnih prekršaja i prometnih nesreća, dok osobe strpljivog i pažljivog stila vožnje manje sudjeluju u prometnim nesrećama.
Abstract (english) Since traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among 5 to 29-year-olds, and the human factor is responsible for almost 90% of them, there is a clear need to deepen our knowledge about the behavior of drivers. As previous studies examining the relationship between locus of control and driving styles with traffic accidents and traffic offenses did not use identical instruments and the influence of dispositional affect on driving was barely investigated, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between demographic characteristics of the driver, traffic locus of control, dispositional affect, driving styles, and experience with traffic accidents and traffic offenses. A total of 231 respondents participated in the study, 140 were women and 91 were men with valid car driving licenses (B category licenses in Croatia) aged 18 to 30.
The results of the study have shown that men are more prone to risky driving styles, while women achieve greater results in patient and careful, dissociative, and anxious driving styles. Drivers who drive more often prefer a risky and angry driving style, while those who drive less often prefer a patient and careful and anxious driving style. People with an internal locus of control are more inclined to dissociative, angry, and risky driving styles and less inclined to a patient and careful driving style. People with an external locus are less likely to prefer risky and angry driving styles and are more inclined to an anxious driving style. Those who attribute the possibility of traffic accidents to fate are more likely to have a dissociative driving style. People with a positive affect prefer a patient and careful driving style and are less prone to an anxious driving style. Participants with negative affect are more prone to anxious and dissociative driving styles. People with an internal locus of control and an angry driving style are more often involved in traffic offenses and traffic accidents, while those who prefer a patient and careful driving style are less likely to participate in traffic accidents.
stilovi vožnje
vozački lokus kontrole
dispozicijski afekt
prometne nesreće
prometni prekršaji
Keywords (english)
driving Styles
traffic locus of control
dispositional affect
traffic accidents
traffic offenses
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:415319
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-10-09 11:46:04