Title Uloga i važnost etičnog komuniciranja u oglašivačkim kampanjama
Title (english) The role and importance of ethical communication in advertising campaigns
Author Matija Jovanović
Mentor Matilda Kolić Stanić (mentor)
Mentor Krešimir Dabo (komentor)
Committee member Jerko Valković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Sever Globan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Dabo (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Oglašavanje je glavni instrument komunikacije između brandova i potrošača. Zbog svoje sveoprisutnosti i velike prodornosti oglašavanje sa sobom nosi veliku odgovornost u prenošenju poruka koje utječu na oblikovanje percepcija, stavova i ponašanja pojedinaca u društvu. Prilikom uspostavljanja i građenja odnosa sa potencijalnim kupcima, oglašivači znaju koristiti neetične prakse čime zanemaruju društvenu odgovornost i negativno utječu na pojedince. Pojava neetičnog komuniciranja, s naglaskom na stereotipe i seksizam u oglašavanju, naglašava potrebu za većom društvenom odgovornošću prilikom oglašavanja. Glavni cilj ovog rada je ispitati stavove ciljane ženske publike o dojmu i utisku vezanom za oglašavivačku kampanju Ol Istria te provjeriti posljedice u formiranjustavova publike, što će poslužiti kao primjer korištenja štetnih stereotipa. U teorijskom dijelu radaobjašnjavaseoglašavanje, etičnost u komunikacijskom sektoru, stereotipe u oglašavanju te na koji način su žene prikazane u suvremenom oglašavanju. S namjerom dobivanja jasnijeg uvida u istraživački problem, kvantitativnom metodom ankete provjerila su se mišljenja ispitanica o temi.Prigodni uzorak sačinjavale su žene u dobi od 18+ godina, budući da je cilj istraživanja dublje razumijevanje mišljenjažena o seksizmu i oglašavanju.Time što se istraživanje ograničava isključivo na žene, najmeraje biladobiti konkretniji uvid u stvarne statove, rekacije i iskustva sa sekističkim oglasima.Na temelju dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako ispitanicesmatraju da je oglašavanje u kampanji Ol Istria neetično ine doprinosti ravnopravnosti spolova. Zaključno, rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju važnost pažljivijeg odabira marketinške komunikacije u kampanjama, kao i uporabe etički utemeljenih alata i tehnika.
Abstract (english) Advertising is the primary communication tool between brands and consumers. Due to its omnipresence and significant impact, advertising bears a great responsibility in conveying messages that influence the shaping of individuals' perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors in society. When establishing and nurturing relationships with potential customers, advertisers sometimes resort to unethical practices, neglecting their societal responsibility and negatively affecting individuals. The emergence of unethical communication, with an emphasis on stereotypes and sexism in advertising, underscores the need for greater societal accountability in advertising. The main aim of this paper is to examine the attitudes of the targeted female audience regarding the impression and impact of theOl Istria advertising campaign, and to assess the consequences in forming public attitudes, which serves as an example of harmful stereotype usage. In the theoretical part of the paper, advertising, ethics in the communication sector, stereotypes in advertising, and the contemporary portrayal of women in advertising are explained. In an effort to gain a clearer insight into the research problem, the quantitative method of surveying was employed to verify respondents' opinions on the subject. The convenientsample consisted of women aged 18 and above, as the research aims to deepen the understanding of women's opinions on sexism and advertising. By restricting the study exclusively to women, the intention was to gain a more precise insight into actual statistics, reactions, and experiences with sexist advertisements. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that respondents perceive the advertising in the Ol Istria campaign as unethical and not contributing to gender equality. In conclusion, the research results confirm the utility of more carefully selecting marketing communication in campaigns, as well as employing ethically grounded tools and techniques.
neetično oglašavanje
seksizam u oglašavanju
ravnopravnost spolova
Keywords (english)
unethical advertising
sexism in advertising
gender equality
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:845909
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-10-13 08:12:33