Abstract | Uvod: U adolescenata se glavobolja, bolovi u leđima i bolovi u trbuhu navode kao vodeći uzrok primjene lijekova protiv bolova. Uzimanje lijekova u ranijoj dobi povećava rizik za nastajanje bolova u kasnijim fazama života te se njihovom konzumacijom narušava ukupno zdravlje.
Cilj: Ispitati povezanost između samoprocjene zdravlja i upotrebe lijekova za uobičajene tegobe: glavobolju, bolove u trbuhu i leđima na uzorku adolescenata Medicinske škole Bjelovar.
Metode: U istraživanju provedenom u Medicinskoj školi Bjelovar u ožujku 2023. prikupljeni su podaci na ukupnom uzorku od 238 adolescenata kroz upitnik o sociodemografskim pitanjima i lokalizaciji boli te je korišten upitnik SF-36. Rezultati su uspoređeni po spolu.
Rezultati: Glavobolja je bila najčešća vrsta boli kod adolescenata. Djevojke su ocijenile tjelesnu bol, opću percepciju zdravlja, vitalnost i energiju te psihičko zdravlje lošije nego dječaci. Bolovi u trbuhu su negativno utjecali na socijalno funkcioniranje ispitanika. Kod jače boli, učenici su češće uzimali tablete protiv bolova što je utjecalo na njihovo funkcioniranje.
Zaključak: Kod učenika Medicinske škole Bjelovar analgetici, koje uzimaju kod jače boli, utječu na njihovo funkcioniranje, a kod djevojaka bol ima negativan utjecaj na opću percepciju zdravlja, vitalnost, energiju i psihičko zdravlje. Bolovi u trbuhu najviše utječu na socijalno funkcioniranje, dok su glavobolje najčešće. Preventivne mjere protiv boli u adolescenata su bitne, kao i poticanje na tjelesnu aktivnost. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Headaches, backaches and stomach aches in adolescents are caused by increasing use of painkillers (1.). Taking medicines from childhood increases the risk of developing these pains in later life, and their consumption impairs health (2). Data on physical and mental health, as well as data on pain localization and medication consumption, were obtained through a questionnaire on subjective health assessment. Objective: The relationship between the self-assessment of health and the use of medications for common ailments: headache, stomach ache and backache was examined using the sample of adolescents from Bjelovar Nursing School. Methods: In the research conducted at Bjelovar Nursing School in March 2023, data were collected through a questionnaire on socio-demographic issues and localization of pain, and the SF-36 questionnaire was used. The results were compared by gender. Results: The data of 238 students of Bjelovar Nursing School were analyzed on the incidence of backache, stomach ache and headache. The research results show that the most common is headache. Girls rated body pain, general perception of health, vitality and energy, and psychological health as worse. Abdominal pain had a negative impact on the social functioning of the subjects. In case of severe pain, the students took painkillers more often, which affected their functioning. Conclusion: With the students of Bjelovar Nursing School, analgesics, which they take to cure severe pain, affect their functioning, and with girls, pain has a negative impact on the general perception of health, vitality, energy and mental health. Abdominal pain affects social functioning the most, whilst headaches are the most common. Preventive measures against pain in adolescents are important, as is encouraging physical activity. |