Abstract | Imajući u vidu sociološka promišljanja interaktivnosti potrošnje (Baudrillard, 2003) koja u tekuće modernosti postaje usamljena djelatnost (Bauman, 2000), u ovomu se radu tematizirala etička komponenta potrošnje kao aktualni, ali i nedovoljno istraženi fenomen u hrvatskom društvu (Brstilo, Šuća i Zujić, 2021). Referentna istraživanja ukazuju da je etička potrošnja složena praksa svojstvena modelu moralnog jastva potrošača (Barnett, 2005) s različitim profilima etičkih potrošača (Tallontire, Rentsendorj i Blowfield, 2001) i jazom koji nastaje između stava pojedinaca o etički prihvatljivim proizvodima i kupovini istih (Tallontire i sur., 2001; Papaoikonomou, Valverde i Ryan, 2011).
Za potrebe ovoga rada etička potrošnja istražena je upravo iz iskustvene perspektive etičkih potrošača. Riječ je o prigodnom uzorku sedmero građana Zagreba i okolice u dobi od 24 do 62 godine s ciljem uvida u njihove etičke potrošačke prakse, stavove i motivacije. Korištena je kvalitativna metodologija metodom individualnog polu-strukturiranog intervjua poštivanjem etičkog istraživačkog protokola o dobrovoljnosti, informiranosti o temi i svrsi istraživanja te anonimnosti. Istraživanjem se utvrdilo da je riječ o aktivnim etičkim potrošačima koji kroz etičku prizmu organiziraju vlastitu svakodnevicu, iako nisu u svim segmentima jednako sustavni. Najizraženiji etički angažman sudionici su realizirali u domeni mode i prehrane, a manje u odnosu na domene kozmetike i tehnologije. Tome u prilog ide nalaz o sudioničkom bojkotiranju brze mode i prehrambenih proizvoda pri čemu se istaknuo bojkot Nestlé proizvode. Sudionici su mišljenja kako se u hrvatskom društvu događaju pozitivnih pomaci u vidu porasta etičkog interesa i praksa građana, ali se po njima još uvijek radi o pomacima nedostatnim za strukturalnu društvenu promjenu. Upravo se ovim radom želi doprinijeti aktualiziranju teme etičke potrošnje u hrvatskom društvu s obzirom na njezin potencijal doprinosa općem dobru i održivog društvenoga i individualnog životnog stila. |
Abstract (english) | Taking into account the sociological reflections on the interactivity of consumption (Baudrillard, 2003), which in current modernity becomes a solitary activity (Bauman, 2000), this paper thematizes the ethical component of consumption as an actual but insufficiently researched phenomenon in Croatian society (Brstilo, Šuća, and Zujić, 2021). Referential research indicates that ethical consumption is a complex practice inherent in the model of consumer moral subjectivity (Barnett, 2005), with different profiles of ethical consumers (Tallontire, Rentsendorj, and Blowfield, 2001) and the gap that arises between the attitude of individuals about ethically acceptable products and their purchase (Tallontire et al., 2001; Papaoikonomou, Valverde and Ryan, 2011).
For the purposes of this study, ethical consumption was researched precisely from the perspectives of individuals actively engaged in ethical consumption. This involved a convenience sample of seven citizens of Zagreb and its surroundings,ranging in age from 24 to 62, with the aim of gaining insight into their ethical consumer practices, attitudes and motivation. Throughout this qualitative methodology, ethical research standards were upheld, ensuring voluntary participation, transparent communication about the study's objectives and anonymity. The conducted researchshowed that the research participants are active ethical consumers who integrate ethical considerations into their daily lives, although their approach may not be equally systematic across all areas. Participants demonstrated the highest level of ethical engagement in the realms of fashion and nutrition, while showing less pronounced involvement in areas such as cosmetics and technology. This observation is supported by their participation in boycotts of fast fashion and certain food products, notably Nestlé items. Research participants expressed optimism about positive shifts occurring within Croatian society, noting an increased ethical awareness and activism among citizens. However, they also emphasized that these developments are not yet sufficient to bring about structural social change.This work aims to contribute to updating the topic of ethical consumption in Croatian society, considering its potential to contribute to the common good and sustainable societal and individual lifestyles. |