Title Znanja i stavovi prema korištenju električnih cigareta među studentima sestrinstva: presječno istraživanje
Title (english) Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Electronic Cigarettes use Among Nursing Students: A Cross-sectional Study
Author Leopold Kajan
Mentor Marta Čivljak (mentor)
Committee member Livia Puljak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Matić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marta Čivljak (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Uvod: Elektroničke cigarete su relativno novi proizvodi koji su postali izrazito popularni u posljednjih nekoliko godina. Iako do danas njihov utjecaj na ljudsko zdravlje nije do kraja poznat, mnoga istraživanja upućuju na to kako postoje opasnosti prilikom korištenja elektroničkih cigareta po ljudsko zdravlje.
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati znanje i stavove prema korištenju elektroničkih cigareta među studentima sestrinstva.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno na studentima sestrinstva na 10 visokoškolskih ustanova u Hrvatskoj, od ožujka do travnja 2024. Podaci su prikupljani anonimnim anketnim upitnikom putem platforme LimeSurvey. Upitnik je u prvom dijelu sadržavao sociodemografska pitanja. Drugi dio upitnika sadržavao je pitanja vezana za znanje i stavove prema elektroničkim cigaretama.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 1039 ispitanika od kojih je 88,7% ispitanika ženskog spola. Među ispitanicima, 43% ih se izjasnilo kao pušači. Elektroničke cigarete koristilo je 52,6% ispitanika, od čega je 76% to činilo u rekreativne svrhe. Od ukupnog broja ispitanika, njih 60,2% na fakultetu nikada nisu učili o temama prestanka pušenja. Među ispitanicima 33% njih se ne slaže s tim da su elektroničke cigarete dobra metoda za prestanak pušenja. Više od polovice ispitanika slaže se da bi elektroničke cigarete mogle potaknuti pušenje kod nepušača.. Među ispitanicima 66,1% njih navodi kako ne mogu s pouzdanjem savjetovati pušače o elektroničkim cigaretama . Prema mišljenju ispitanika, njih 69,8% smatra da je liječnik najupućeniji zdravstveni stručnjak koji bi trebao savjetovati i voditi edukacije za korisnike elektroničkih cigareta. Usporedbom stavova ispitanika u odnosu na pušački status ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u odgovorima. Također, na pitanjima znanja ispitanici su imali malu razinu znanja o elektroničkim cigaretama. Usporedbom znanja s obzirom na pušački status, više pušača je točno navelo kako elektroničke cigarete nisu dobro poznati proizvodi za odvikavanje od pušenja te kako elektroničke cigarete imaju štetnih učinaka sličnih onim konvencionalnim duhanskim cigaretama. Stavovi ispitanika prema medicinskim sestrama i borbi protiv pušenja bili su pozitivniji kod nepušača u odnosu na pušače. Također ispitanici koji su učili o temama prestanka pušenja bili su spremniji savjetovati pušače te su imali jasnije stavove o rizicima i važnosti uloge medicinskih sestara u procesu odvikavanja od pušenja u usporedbi sa ispitanicima koji nisu učili o temama prestanka pušenja.
Zaključak: Ovo istraživanje upućuje na nedostatnu razinu znanja studenata sestrinstva o elektroničkim cigaretama, ali i to da studenti generalno imaju negativne stavove i percepcije prema elektroničkim cigaretama. Nedostatak znanja i svijesti o zdravstvenim rizicima elektroničkih cigareta može spriječiti njihovu sposobnost da ispravno savjetuju pacijente i educiraju ih o mogućim rizicima za zdravlje. Nadalje, ovim istraživanjem je utvrđeno da studenti sestrinstva tijekom školovanja ne dobivaju odgovarajuća znanja i praktične vještine koje bi pušačima mogle pomoći u procesu prestanka pušenja. Taj nedostatak stručnosti može i spriječiti da pravilno pruže podršku pacijentima koji žele prestati pušiti, što je veliki javnozdravstveni problem s obzirom na negativne učinke pušenja na zdravlje. Slijedom toga, obrazovni programi za medicinske sestre i programi stalnog stručnog usavršavanja trebali bi sadržavati informacije o štetnim posljedicama elektroničkih cigareta na temelju novih istraživanja i spoznaja, kao i omogućiti medicinskim sestrama sticanje vještina za pomoć pri prestanku pušenja.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Electronic cigarettes are relatively new products that have become extremely popular in the last few years. Although their impact on human health is not fully known to date, many studies indicate that there are dangers to human health when using electronic cigarettes.
Objectives: The aim of this research is to examine the knowledge and attitudes towards the use of electronic cigarettes among nursing students.
Methods: The research was conducted on nursing students at 10 universities in Croatia, from March to April 2024. The data was collected by an anonymous questionnaire via the LimeSurvey platform, which in the first part contained socio-demographic questions. The second part of the questionnaire contained questions related to knowledge and attitudes towards electronic cigarettes.
Results: 1039 respondents participated in the research, of which 88.7% were female. Among the respondents, 43% declared themselves as smokers. Electronic cigarettes were used by 52.6% of respondents, of which 76% did so for recreational purposes. Of the total number of respondents, 60.2% of them never learned about the topic of smoking cessation at university. Among the respondents, 33% of them do not agree with the fact that electronic cigarettes are a good method for quitting smoking. More than half of respondents agree that electronic cigarettes could encourage non-smokers to smoke. Among the respondents, 66.1% stated that they could not confidently advise smokers about electronic cigarettes. According to the opinion of the respondents, 69.8% of them believe that the doctor is the most knowledgeable health expert who should advise and conduct education for users of electronic cigarettes. By comparing the attitudes of respondents in relation to smoking status, there are no statistically significant differences in the answers. Also, on the questions of knowledge, respondents had a low level of knowledge about electronic cigarettes. By comparing knowledge with regard to smoking status, more smokers correctly stated that electronic cigarettes are not well-known products for smoking cessation and that electronic cigarettes have harmful effects similar to those of conventional tobacco cigarettes. The respondents' attitudes towards nurses and the fight against smoking were more positive among non-smokers compared to smokers. Also, respondents who learned about smoking cessation topics were more willing to advise smokers and had clearer views on the risks and the importance of the role of nurses in the process of quitting smoking compared to respondents who did not learn about smoking cessation topics.
Conclusion: This research indicates a reduced level of nursing students' knowledge about electronic cigarettes, but also highlights that students generally have more negative attitudes and perceptions towards electronic cigarettes.. Lack of knowledge and awareness of the health risks of e-cigarettes may hinder their ability to properly counsel patients and educate them about the potential health risks. Furthermore, this research has determined that nursing students do not receive adequate knowledge and practical skills during their education that would help smokers in the process of quitting smoking. This lack of expertise can hinder their ability to properly support patients who want to quit smoking, which is a major public health problem given the negative health effects of smoking. Consequently, nursing education programs and continuing professional development programs should include information on the harmful effects of e-cigarettes based on new research and knowledge, as well as enable nurses as well as enabling nurses to acquire skills to help smokers quit smoking.
elektroničke cigarete
studenti sestrinstva
Keywords (english)
electornic cigarettes
nursing students
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:430234
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-28 10:53:07