Title Obilježja odraslosti u nastajanju, razvoj identiteta i zadovoljstvo životom kod studenata
Title (english) Characteristics of emerging adulthood, identity development and life satisfaction among university students
Author Mirka Šafarić Vučko
Mentor Marina Merkaš (mentor)
Committee member Tihana Brkljačić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Šakić Velić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Merkaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Cilj ovog rada je ispitati kako dimenzije formiranja identiteta i obilježja odraslosti u nastajanju te sociodemografske karakteristike određuju zadovoljstvo životom mladih unutar sustava visokog obrazovanja. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 294 studenta koji su u online obliku ispunili Skalu zadovoljstva životom (Diener i sur., 1985), Inventar dimenzija odraslosti u nastajanju (Reifman i sur., 2007), Upitnik procesa ego identiteta (Balistreri i sur., 1995) i obrazac za prikupljanje sociodemografskih podataka. Rezultati analize varijance pokazuju kako veće zadovoljstvo životom pokazuju studenti u romantičnoj vezi. Na obilježju Vrijeme negativnosti i/ili nestabilnosti nisu pronađene razlike s obzirom na promatrane varijable. Utvrđeno je kako na obilježju Vrijeme istraživanja i usmjerenosti na sebe više rezultate postižu studenti koji tijekom studija ne stanuju u obiteljskom domu, dok na obilježju Vrijeme u kojem osjećamo da smo između adolescencije i odraslosti više rezultate postižu studenti koji nisu u romantičnoj vezi. Nadalje, više rezultate na obilježju Istraživanje identiteta postižu studenti koji rade tijekom studija, a studenti koji tijekom akademske godine ne stanuju s roditeljima postižu više rezultate na obilježju Postupno osamostaljivanje. Studenti koji su u vezi i koji rade tijekom studija postižu više rezultate na obilježju Usmjerenost na druge. Na dimenziji formiranja identiteta Istraživanje nisu utvrđene razlike s obzirom na promatrane varijable, dok na dimenziji formiranja identiteta Predanost više rezultate postižu studenti u vezi. Hijerarhijska analiza uključuje zadovoljstvo životom kao kriterijsku varijablu te akademski uspjeh, visinu mjesečnih prihoda, dimenzije IDEA upitnika te dimenzije EIPQ upitnika kao prediktore. Značajni prediktori zadovoljstva životom su obilježje odraslosti u nastajanju Vrijeme istraživanja i usmjerenosti na sebe te dimenzija formiranja identiteta Predanost. Kao negativan prediktor zadovoljstva životom izdvojilo se obilježje Vrijeme negativnosti i/ili nestabilnosti. Zaključno, životom su zadovoljniji mladi koji razdoblje odraslosti u nastajanju doživljavaju kao vrijeme u kojem mogu istraživati sebe i mogućnosti koje nudi okolina te pritom ne osjećaju nesigurnost i nestabilnost.
Abstract (english) The aim was to examine how identity dimensions, emerging adulthood characteristics, and sociodemographic variables determine life satisfaction of university students. The sample comprised of 294 students who completed the Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener and sur., 1985), the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (Reifman and sur., 2007), the Ego Identity Process Questionnaire (Balistreri and sur., 1995) and question on sociodemographic data. Students who are in a romantic relationship have higher life satisfaction. No significant difference was found in the Negativity/Instability dimension regarding the observed variables. Students who do not live with their parents during the academic year have higher results on the dimension called Time od Exploration and self-focusing, while students who are not in the romantic relationship have higher results on Feeling in-between dimension. Higher results on the Identity exploration dimension are achieved by employed students, while students who do not live with their parents during the academic year achieve higher results on the Becoming independent dimension. Students who are in a relationship and employed students have higher results on the Other-focused dimension. Regardless their place of residence during the academic year, romantic relationship and employment status, there is no difference between students on the identity dimension Exploration, but students who have a romantic partner achieve higher results on the identity dimension Commitment. In a hierarchical regression analysis, the criteria were life satisfaction while predictors were academic achievement, monthly income, IDEA dimensions and EIPQ dimensions. Emerging adulthood dimension Time od Exploration and self-focusing and identity dimension Commitment are significant predictors of students' life satisfaction. Negativity/Instability dimension was identified as a negative predictor of life satisfaction. Life is more satisfying for young people who experience the emerging adulthood period as a time when they can explore themselves and the opportunities they have, without insecurity and instability.
dimenzije formiranja identiteta
obilježja odraslosti u nastajanju
zadovoljstvo životom
Keywords (english)
identity dimensions
characteristics of emerging adulthood
life satisfaction
university students
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:389248
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-07-18 11:47:50