Abstract | Uvod: Pravilna prehrana ima ključnu ulogu u očuvanju kvalitete zdravlja. Rad u smjenama kod zdravstvenog osoblja može rezultirati nepravilnom i nekvalitetnom prehranom te dovesti do niza zdravstvenih tegoba i razvoja kroničnih bolesti.
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti prehrambene navike zdravstvenog osoblja koje radi u smjenskom radu u odnosu na zdravstveno osoblje koje radi isključivo u jutarnjem radu u Kliničkoj bolnici Merkur.
Metode: Provedeno je presječno istraživanje od prosinca 2023. do ožujka 2024. godine koje je uključivalo 147 zdravstvenih djelatnika s različitih odjela Kliničke bolnice Merkur, pri čemu je svaki sudionik potpisao Informirani pristanak za anonimno sudjelovanje u istraživanju. Podaci su se prikupljali na odjelima bolnice putem papirnatih anketnih upitnika. Korišteni su MDSS i MEDAS upitnici o prehrambenim navikama ispitanika. Statistička analiza je provedena u programu IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows verzija 26.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Sjedinjene Američke Države).
Rezultati: Među 147 ispitanika, najviše sudionika je bilo dobne skupine 50+ (29,9%), dok je sljedeća najzastupljenija dobna skupina bila ona od 19 do 29 godina (25,2%). S obzirom na spol, u uzorku je sudjelovalo gotovo 78% žena i 22% muškaraca. Što se tiče stručne spreme, gotovo 30% sudionika ima završenu srednju stručnu spremu, njih 38,1% su prvostupnici, dok 25,2% sudionika ima završenu diplomsku razinu obrazovanja, a njih skoro 7% postdiplomsku razinu. S obzirom na radni staž, više od trećine sudionika (34,7%) ima između 0 i 10 godina radnog staža, njih 23,1% ima između 21 i 30 godina radnog staža, nešto manji postotak (22,4%) ima više od 31 godine radnog staža dok njih 19,7% ima između 11 i 20 godina radnog staža. Najveći postotak sudionika radi u turnusima (27,9%) i jutarnjoj smjeni (27,2%). Najveći postotak sudionika istraživanja radi u Sveučilišnoj klinici za dijabetes, endokrinologiju i bolesti metabolizma Vuk Vrhovac (36,1%) i u Zavodu za anesteziologiju, intenzivnu medicinu i liječenju boli (22,4%). Sudionici se statistički značajno razlikuju u učestalosti konzumiranja slastica gdje sudionici koji rade u jutarnjoj smjeni češće konzumiraju slastice u odnosu na sudionike u smjenskom radu. Statistički značajna razlika također je pronađena u učestalosti konzumacije vina gdje sudionici koji rade u smjenskom radu češće konzumiraju vino nego sudionici koji rade isključivo u jutarnjoj smjeni.
Zaključak: Prehrambene navike zdravstvenog osoblja koje radi u smjenskom radu i onih koje rade jutarnje smjene znatno se razlikuju. Dobiveni rezultati daju korisne informacije upravi bolnice kako osigurati zdravu prehranu i redovitost obroka za zdravstvene djelatnike. |
Abstract (english) | Title: Assessment of The Dietary Habits of Healthcare Personnel in Shift and Morning Work: Cross-Sectional Study.
Background: Proper nutrition plays a key role in preserving the quality of health. Working in shifts with healthcare staff can result in improper and poor-quality dietary intake, and lead to a number of health problems and the development of chronic diseases.
Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the dietary habits of healthcare staff who work in shifts compared to healthcare staff who work exclusively in the morning shift at the Merkur University Hospital.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2023 to March 2024, which included 147 healthcare professionals from different departments of the Merkur University Hospital, where each participant signed Informed consent to participate anonymously in the study. The data were collected in the departments of the hospital through paper questionnaires. MDSS and MEDAS questionnaires about the participants' dietary habits were used. Statistical analysis was performed in IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows version 26.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, United States of America).
Results: Among the 147 respondents, most participants were in the age group 50+ (29.9%), while the next most represented age group was the one from 19 to 29 years (25.2%). With regard to gender, almost 78% of women and 22% of men participated in the sample. As far as professional qualifications are concerned, almost 30% of participants have completed secondary education, 38.1% of participants are bachelors, while 25.2% of participants have completed graduate level education, and almost 7% of participants have completed postgraduate level. With regard to the length of service, more than a third of the participants (34.7%) have between 0 and 10 years of service, 23.1% have between 21 and 30 years of service, a slightly smaller percentage (22.4%) have more than 31 years of service, while 19.7% have between 11 and 20 years of service. The largest percentage of participants work in shifts (27.9%) and the morning shift (27.2%). The largest percentage of participants work in shifts (27.9%) and the morning shift (27.2%). The largest percentage of research participants work at the Vuk Vrhovac University Clinic for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (36.1%) and at the Department of Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Management (22.4%). Participants differ statistically significantly in the frequency of eating desserts, where participants who work in the morning shift consume desserts more often compared to participants in shift work. A statistically significant difference was found in the frequency of wine consumption, where participants who work in shift work consume more wine than participants who work exclusively in the morning shift.
Conclusion: The dietary habits of healthcare staff working in shift work and those working exclusively in the morning shift differ significantly. The obtained results provide useful information to the hospital management on how to ensure a healthy diet and regularity of meals for healthcare workers. |