Title Balkanizam u američkom filmu: studija predrasuda i stereotipa "balkanskih naroda" i kultura
Title (english) Balkanism in American Film: A Study on Prejudice and Stereotypes of the "Balkan people" and Cultures
Author Rebeka Čuljak
Mentor Irena Sever Globan (mentor)
Mentor Tado Jurić (komentor)
Committee member Suzana Peran (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jakov Žižić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Sever Globan (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-11-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Pojam Balkana je jedan od kontroverznijih u javnom i akademskom diskursu, a takvim ga čini upravo nemogućnost da se u krajnosti odredi i definira, tj. da zadobi usuglašenu definiciju. Ovaj rad ne nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje „Što je Balkan?“, već razrađuje moguće odgovore na pitanje „Zašto je Balkan?“ uz pomoć ključne literature istaknutih povjesničara, socijalnih psihologa i medijskih stručnjaka. Kroz poznatu dihotomiju Istok-Zapad, gdje je Istok Balkan, a Zapad SAD, rad nastoji procijeniti razinu utjecaja koju sjevernoamerički visokobudžetni film ima na kreiranje i perpetuiranje stereotipa i predrasuda te općenitih stavova prema balkanskoj regiji na globalnoj razini. Kvalitativnim metodama, kao što su analiza sadržaja, nastojimo istražiti na koji su način prikazani ljudi s područja Balkana, balkanske kulture, običaji, jezici te Balkan općenito. Vodeća hipoteza jest da je Balkan u potpunosti pejorativan pojam za istočnoeuropsku regiju te da holivudski film podilazi toj konotaciji namjerno i/ili slučajno kroz produkciju filmova koji na neki način tematiziraju Balkan. Analizom pet izabranih primjernih filmova potvrđeno je kako su negativni stereotipi i predrasude o Balkanu prisutne na mnoštvo načina unutar filma te da u modernoj holivudskoj filmografiji gotovo pa ne postoje primjeri filmova iste tematike koji to ne čine. Dakle, zaključeno je kako američki filmovi potvrđuju i potiču negativna mišljenja o Balkanu i „balkanskim narodima“, s tim da razina utjecaja na globalno mnijenje ne može biti izmjerena već samo pretpostavljena. Međutim, uzevši u obzir snagu amerikanizacije te samog medija kao što je film, utjecaj na globalnu publiku je sigurno prisutan i značajan. Ovome radu je namjera otvoriti diskurs o globalnoj percepciji balkanske regije kroz umjetnost i medije jer je regija nerijetko zastupljena, ne samo u filmovima, već i u TV serijama, videoigrama te na društvenim mrežama. Ovo istraživanje se stoga može proširiti i nadograditi analizama takvih sadržaja, ali i istraživanjima koja proučavaju ulogu Balkana i balkanskoga filma i medija u perpetuiranju negativnih stereotipa o samome sebi, jer za ovaj fenomen ne nosi krivicu isključivo Zapad i SAD.
Abstract (english) The concept of the Balkans is one of the most controversial in public and academic discourse, and what makes it so is precisely the impossibility of determining and defining it in the extreme, i.e. of obtaining an agreed definition. This paper does not attempt to answer the question "What are the Balkans?", but elaborates possible answers to the question "Why are the Balkans?" with the help of key prominent historians, social psychologists and media experts. Through the well-known East-West dichotomy, where the East is the Balkans and the West is the USA, the paper tries to assess the level of influence that the North American high-budget film has on the creation and perpetuation of stereotypes and prejudices and general attitudes towards the Balkans globally. Using qualitative methods, such as content analysis, we try to investigate how people from the Balkans, Balkan culture, customs, languages and the Balkans in general are portrayed. The leading hypothesis is that the Balkans are a completely pejorative term for the Eastern European region and that the Hollywood film lives up to this connotation intentionally and/or accidentally through the production of films that in some way thematize the Balkans. The analysis of five selected exemplary films confirmed that negative stereotypes and prejudices about the Balkans are present in many ways within the film, and that in modern Hollywood filmography there are almost no examples of films with the same theme that do not. Thus, it was concluded that American films confirm and encourage negative opinions about the Balkans and the “Balkan peoples”, with the fact that the level of influence on global opinion cannot be measured but only assumed. However, taking into account the power of Americanization and the medium itself such as film, the impact on a global audience is certainly present and significant. The intention of this work is to open a discourse on the global perception of the Balkan region through art and media, because the region is often represented, not only in films, but also in TV series, video games and on social networks. This research can therefore be expanded and upgraded with the analysis of such content, but also with research that studies the role of the Balkans and Balkan film and media in perpetuating negative stereotypes about oneself, because the West and the USA are not solely to blame for this phenomenon.
igrani film
etnički stereotip
Keywords (english)
feature film
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:817372
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-11-25 08:23:48