Abstract | Radio kao medij predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih komunikacijskih alata dvadesetog stoljeća. No, u svijetu televizije i interneta, radio je s vremenom krenuo gubiti važnost. Dostupna literatura podijeljena je između simpatizera radija koji navode kako radio ne gubi popularnost, već dobiva na komercijalnoj važnosti, dok drugi ističu pad slušanosti radiopostaja zbog interneta kao glavnog konkurenta radiju. Nadalje, mnogi stručnjaci ističu važnost radija kao nepristranog, čistog informativnog medija, dok drugi priznaju izričit zabavni sadržaj radija te pad vrijednosti radija izazvan širinom i dostupnošću interneta. U radu je provedeno istraživanje sa studentima zagrebačkih sveučilišta čija mišljenja su ispitana anketnim upitnikom vezanim uz navike i razloge korištenja radija. Primarni ciljevi istraživanja vezani su uz frekventnost slušanja radija, nasljeđivanje navike slušanja radija iz kućanstva u kojem su odrasli, preferiranje radija prije ostalih medija te korist radija, prvenstveno u smislu pozadinske buke. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je kod radija u padu popularnost, odnosno rijetki studenti preferiraju radio prije drugih medija, a informativne značajke radija nisu istaknute kao primaran razlog slušanja, već isključivo zabava. Nadalje, većina studenata zagrebačkih sveučilišta i dalje sluša radio svakodnevno, a rezultati pokazuju kako su te navike do značajne mjere naslijeđene iz kućanstva u kojem su odrasli. |
Abstract (english) | Radio as a medium is regarded as one of the most important communication tools of the twentieth century, but, in the world of television and the Internet, radio has, with time, lost its importance. Available literature is split between sympathizers of the radio who say that radio is not losing its popularity, on the contrary, that it is gaining commercial importance, while others point out the reduction in the listening of radio stations as the Internet conquers radio. Furthermore, many experts point out the importance of the radio as an unbiased, informative medium, while others accept the entertaining nature of the radio and agreeing on its loss of popularity due to the availability of the Internet. Because of that, primary research was undertaken that had students of Zagreb's universities as its sample whose opinions were gathered through a survey questionnaire tied to their listening habits and reasons for using the radio. The primary goals of the research were to find the listening habits of students in terms of frequency of listening, inherited habits of listening to the radio from the household they grew up in, preferring the radio to other mediums and their use of the radio, primarily as background noise. The results of the primary research have shown that radio really is losing its popularity, as students rarely prefer the radio over other mediums, and informative elements of the radio are not at all respected, but, on the contrary, radio became a medium for entertainment primarily, which really speaks to the loss of radio popularity. Moreover, most students still listen to the radio daily, however, most of those habits seem to be inherited from the household. |