Abstract | Temeljna ideja ovog rada su dodatci prehrani i njihova sve veća upotreba kao zamjena za obrok. Hrvatsko tržište preplavljeno je svakodnevnim informacijama od strane raznih medija o dodacima prehrani koji su zdravstveno poželjni, odnosno koji imaju sposobnost zaustaviti prirodno starenje.
Ideja zamjene prirodne hrane dodacima prehrani je krenula početkom prošlog stoljeća te obuhvaća razumijevanje prehrane čovjeka i svijesti u okviru tehnologije prerade hrane kojom se gube važni sastojci neophodni za ljudski organizam. Pitanja koja su se otvarala kroz povijest bila su vezana uz to kako nadomjestiti izgubljene nutrijente. Trend pokazuje da se zadnje desetljeće na hrvatskom tržištu pojavljuje sve veća i raznovrsnija ponuda dodataka prehrani koji se prodaju u slobodnoj prodaji. Kako će se upotreba dodataka odraziti na zdravlje čovjeka i kakve će imati posljedice za društvo i čitav planet tek treba utvrditi jer su istraživanja na ovom polju minimalna. Konkretno je tema o dodatcima prehrani najviše istražena u SAD-u i nije ohrabrujuća, više govori o štetnosti na zdravlje i nedozvoljenim aditivima koji se i nakon regulatorne zabrane i nadalje nalaze u dodacima prehrani.
Kroz rad je prvotno prikazan teorijski pregled dodataka prehrani kroz povijest do njihovog poimanja u suvremenom dobu, da bi se na kraju rada dala analiza provedenog istraživanja o uzimanju dodataka prehrani u odraslog stanovništva Grada Zagreba. U provedenom istraživanju u Trgovačkim centrima grada Zagreba neposredno je sudjelovalo 120 stanovnika Grada Zagreba u dobi između 20 i 66 godina. Prikupljanje podataka bilo je terensko, direktnim kontaktom s ispitanicima jer je cilj bio doći do objektivnih podataka i mišljenja ispitanika, njihovom ponašanju i navikama. Provedenim istraživanjem je potvrđena hipoteza da većina stanovništva ima sklonost uzimanju dodataka prehrani, s time da postoje odstupanja o sklonosti uzimanju dodataka ovisno o spolu, obrazovanju i dr. postavljenim karakteristikama ispitanika. Tako sklonost uzimanju dodataka prehrani većinom imaju mlade osobe i fakultetski obrazovane osobe, dok žene imaju veću sklonost konzultirati se sa stručnim osobama prije donošenja odluke o uzimanju dodataka prehrani, u odnosu na muškarce.
U Hrvatskoj nema provedenih sličnih istraživanja te se istraživanje provedeno u okviru ovog rada ne može uspoređivati s drugim istraživanjima, time, može se reći da će provedeno istraživanje doprinijeti razumijevanju navika stanovništva vezano za uzimanje dodataka prehrani. |
Abstract (english) | The basic idea of this thesis are dietary supplements and their increasing use as meal replacements. The Croatian market is flooded with daily information from various media about nutritional supplements that are desirable for health, that is, that can stop natural aging.
The idea of replacing natural food with nutritional supplements began at the beginning of the last century and encompasses the understanding of human nutrition and consciousness within the framework of food processing technology, which loses important ingredients necessary for the human body. Questions that arose throughout history were related to how to replace lost nutrients. The trend shows that in the last decade, an increasingly large and diverse range of food supplements that are sold over the counter have appeared on the Croatian market. How the use of supplements will affect human health and what consequences it will have for society and the entire planet has yet to be determined, as research in this field is minimal. In particular, the topic of dietary supplements is the most researched in the USA and is not encouraging, it speaks more about the harm to health and illegal additives that are still found in dietary supplements even after the regulatory ban.
The thesis initially presents a theoretical overview of dietary supplements throughout history up to their understanding in the modern age, and at the end of the thesis, an analysis of the conducted research on the use of dietary supplements in the adult population of the City of Zagreb was given. 120 residents of the City of Zagreb between the ages of 20 and 66 directly participated in the research conducted in the Shopping Centers of the City of Zagreb. Data collection was done in the field, through direct contact with respondents, as the goal was to obtain objective data and opinions of respondents, their behavior, and habits. The conducted research confirmed the hypothesis that the majority of the population has a tendency to take nutritional supplements, with the fact that there are deviations in the tendency to take supplements depending on gender, education and other set characteristics of the respondents. Thus, young people and university-educated people tend to take nutritional supplements, while women have a greater tendency to consult with experts before making a decision about taking nutritional supplements, compared to men.
There is no similar research conducted in Croatia so the research conducted within the framework of this thesis cannot be compared with other research, however, it can be said that the conducted research will contribute to the understanding of the habits of the population related to taking nutritional supplements. |