Title Usporedba sociodemografskih i kliničkih karakteristika shizofrenih bolesnika liječenih stacionarno i u dnevnoj bolnici
Author Ivana Blažinović
Mentor Vjekoslav Peitl (mentor)
Committee member Branka Aukst Margetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Vidrih (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vjekoslav Peitl (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Shizofrenija je poremećaj koji može dovesti do narušavanja praktički svih aspekata ljudskog funkcioniranja, s time kako te smetnje mogu trajati cijeli život i prouzročiti ozbiljne poteškoće čak i u elementarnom funkcioniranju pojednica i njegove obitelji. Sve do prije dvadesetak godina cilj liječenja shizofrenije bio je praktički isključivo kupiranje pozitivnih simptoma, sa značajnim posljedičnim rezidualnim poteškoćama kao što su negativni simptomi, kognitivna oštećenja, nesnalaženje u svakodnevnim životnim situacijama, narušeno socijalno i radno funkcioniranje u svakodnevnom životu. Danas u tretmanu oboljelih od shizofrenije težimo deinstitucionalizaciji, što manjem broju relapsa bolesti, smanjenom broju hospitalizacija te osobnoj, obiteljskoj, društvenoj i radnoj funkcionalnosti što se može postići liječenjem shizofrenih bolesnika u Dnevnoj bolnici odnosno parcijalnom hospitalizacijom. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti i usporediti razlike i specifičnosti sociodemografskih i kliničkih karakteristika u bolesnika s dijagnozom shizofrenije koji su liječeni stacionarno i u programu Dnevne bolnice. Istraživanjem su se također pokušale utvrditi i usporediti različitosti ove dvije skupine oboljelih od shizofrenije, kao i usporediti učinkovitost liječenja u navedena dva modaliteta liječenja te njihov utjecaj na ponovne hospitalizacije upitnikom kreiranim za svrhe ovog istraživanja. Istraživanje je provedeno na Klinici za psihijatriju, KBC-a Sestre milosrdnice, a u njega je uključeno ukupno 60 ispitanika s dijagnozom shizofrenije, po 30 ispitanika u svakoj skupini. Hipoteza ovog rada je da su shizofreni bolesnici liječeni u Dnevnoj bolnici manje puta hospitalizirani od onih bolesnika liječenih stacionarno. Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrđuju hipotezu, uzevši kako postoji statistički značajna razlika u broju hospitalizacija između dvije skupine bolesnika. Usporedbom ove dvije skupine može se primjetiti kako su bolesnici liječeni u Dnevnoj bolnici mlađe životne dobi, obrazovaniji, radno sposobniji te kako su u ranoj fazi bolesti (do 5 godina liječenja) u usporedbi s bolesnicima liječenim stacionarno. Dobiveni rezultati stacionarno liječenih bolesnika ukazuju na niži stupanj obrazovanja tih bolesnika, veću prisutnost psihijatrijskog herediteta, kao i agresivnosti, te duljeg trajanja bolničkog tretmana (oko 10 godina), kao i diskontinuiranog (neredovitog) ambulantnog tretmana nakon hospitalizacije, u usporedbi s bolesnicima liječenim u Dnevnoj bolnici. Usporedbom ovih dviju skupina dobivamo smjernice koje nam pomažu u svakodnevnom sestrinskom radu s osobama oboljelim od shizofrenije.
Abstract (english) Schizophrenia is a disorder that can disrupt practically every aspects of human functioning. It is a chronic disorder which can cause serious difficulties even at the level of elementary functioning for the affected individual and his/her family. Until twenty years ago, main goal of schizophrenia treatment was practically entirely directed on reducing positive symptoms, with significant residual deficits, such as negative symptoms, cognitive impairment, coping difficulties in everyday life situations, impaired social and working aspects of everyday life. Today the aim of treatment is deinstitutionalisation, fewer number of relapses, reduced number of hospitalizations, as well as improved personal, family, social and work functionality, which can all be achieved by treating patients suffering from schizophrenia in the day hospital setting, in other words – with partial hospitalization. The goal of this research was to investigate and compare differences and specificities of sociodemographic and clinical features in two groups of patients suffering from schizophrenia, those treated in a stationary setting and those who attended a day-hospital program. The study also attempted to identify and compare the differences between these two groups of patients, as well as compare the efficacy of treatment of the two treatment modalities while using a questionnaire designed specifically for the purpose of this research. The study included 60 patients suffering from schizophrenia, who formed two groups of 30 patients and was entirely performed at the Department of Psychiatry of KBC Sestre milosrdnice. The hypothesis of this research was that patients suffering from schizophrenia treated in a day hospital setting have fewer hospitalizations than patients treated in an acute psychiatric ward. Results confirmed this hypothesis, as there was a statistically significant difference in the number of hospitalizations between the two groups of patients. By comparing these two groups, it can be concluded that patients treated in the day hospital have a higher level of education, are less work impaired and and are treated at an early stage of their illness (up to 5 years of treatment) compared to patients treated at the acute psychiatric ward. Compared to patients treated in the day hospital setting, patients treated acutely in general have a lower level of education, increased hereditary loading and aggressiveness, as well as longer treatment duration (about 10 years) and discontinued (irregular) course of outpatient treatment. By comparing data obtained from these two groups of patients with schizophrenia we can shape guidelines that will help us in everyday nursing practice.
dnevna bolnica
stacionarno liječenje
Keywords (english)
day hospital
stationary treatment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:410500
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-11-26 12:33:03