Title Kvaliteta života ovisnika o alkoholu u Dnevnoj bolnici
Author Lidija Radoš
Mentor Dinko Puntarić (mentor)
Committee member Darko Ropac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Elvira Lazić Mosler (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dinko Puntarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Alkoholizam je bolest ovisnosti kroničnog tijeka s nizom socijalnih i zdravstvenih poremećaja koji utječu na kvalitetu života. Kvaliteta života je individualni doživljaj pojedinca zadovoljstvom života. Povećana konzumacija alkohola dovodi do teških fizičkih i psihičkih posljedica koje osim što utječu na samog pojedinca utječu i na obitelj te radnu i socijalnu okolinu. Kvaliteta života danas se najčešće procjenjuje u fizičkom, duhovnom, materijalnom i okolišnom blagostanju. Kroz sociodemografski upitnik te WHOQOL BREF upitnik koji procjenjuje percepciju pojedinca u kontekstu njihovih sustava kulture i vrijednosti te njihovih osobnih ciljeva, standarda i zabrinutosti, dobila sam rezultate koji govore koliko ovisnik o alkoholu kroz dobar program Dnevne bolnice, uključen u grupnu terapiju, obiteljsku terapiju te uključivanje u klub liječenih alkoholičara mogu, ako imaju dobru motivaciju, utjecati na kvalitetu života. U istraživanje je uključeno 30 ispitanika od kojih je 10 žena, a 20 muškaraca u vremenskom periodu od siječnja 2018. do lipnja 2018. u Dnevnoj bolnici na Zavodu za ovisnosti Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče. Ispitanici su dva puta odgovarali na čestice WHOQOL – BREF upitnika, na početku liječenja i na otpustu iz Dnevne bolnice. Međutim na kvalitetu života ovisnih o alkoholu ne utječe isključivo dobar program rada Dnevne bolnice nego i demografska obilježja, klinička slika, komorbidna dijagnoza ili neki drugi vanjski čimbenici. Mogu navesti da je nedostatak istraživanja mali uzorak te kratki rok boravka na liječenju. Liječenje u Dnevnoj bolnici, grupna i individualna psihoterapija, obiteljska terapija mnogi su resursi koji su ponuđeni na stol, a koje bolesnik želi ili ne želi uzeti. Ipak uz vanbolničku preporuku odlaska u klub liječenih alkoholičara, podršku prijatelja, razumijevanje i strpljenje obitelji, ovisnici o alkoholu svoju kvalitetu života moraju mijenjati sami. Promjena ovisničkog ponašanja kod odraslih ljudi mukotrpan je proces, ali moguć samo ako to pojedinac želi.
Abstract (english) Alcoholism is a disease of addiction, a chronic course with a series of social and health disorders that affect quality of life. Quality of life is an individual experience of the individual pleasure of life. Increased consumption of alcohol leads to serious physical and psychological consequences that besides affecting the individual, affect the family, working and social environment. Quality of life is usually estimated in the physical, spiritual, material and environmental well-being. Throughout the socio-demographic questionnaire and WHOQOL BREF questionnaire that assesses the perception of the individual in the context of their system culture and values as well as their personal goals, standards and concerns I've gotten the results that tell how a person addicted to alcohol through a system of group therapy and good program in the Day hospital, family therapy and involvement in the club AA can, if has good motivation, affect the quality of life. The study included 30 patients of which there were 10 women and 20 men in the period from January 2018 to June 2018 in the Day Hospital in the Division of Addiction Psychiatry Clinic Vrapče. Respondents were twice answered the particles WHOQOL - BREF questionnaire, at the beginning of treatment and at the discharge from the hospital daily. However , the quality of life dependent on alcohol is not only affected by a good day hospitals woking program but also demographic characteristics, clinical features, comorbid diagnosis or other external factors. I can state that the lack of research is a small sample and a short term stay in the treatment. The treatment in the Day Hospital, group and individual psychotherapy, family therapy, are some of many resources that are offered on the table and that the patient wants or does not want to take. Yet without patient recommendation going to the club AA, the support of friends, understanding and patiencet hat families provide, alcoholics must change their quality of life themselves. The change of addictive behavior in adults is a painstaking process, but possible only if the individual wants.
kvaliteta života
dnevna bolnica
Keywords (english)
quality of life
day hospital
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:134974
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-11-28 12:23:29