Abstract | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ciljevi ovog istraživanja su: istražiti postoji li podudarnost subjektivnog doživljaja bolesti s objektivnim parametrima težine bolesti; istražiti u kojem je omjeru prisutno uznemiravanje bez relevantne osnove – precjenjivanje svoje bolesti; istražiti u kojem stupnju je prisutno podcjenjivanje svoje bolesti – nekritičnost i neprihvaćanje bolesti s neadekvatnim ponašanjem
USTROJ STUDIJE: Poprečno-presječna studija
ISPITANICI I METODE: U ispitivanje je uključeno 60 ispitanika liječenih u Poliklinici Kardioton koji imaju dijagnozu bolesti srčanih zalistaka. Subjektivni su podatci prikupljeni anketom koja obuhvaća spol, dob, bračni status, profesionalni status, najviši postignuti stupanj obrazovanja ispitanika te 38 pitanja vezana uz percepciju bolesti na koje su ispitanici odgovarali Likertovom skalom (1= u potpunosti se ne slažem, 2= ne slažem se, 3= niti se slažem, niti se ne slažem, 4= slažem se, 5= u potpunosti se slažem). Pitanja vezana uz percepciju bolesti preuzeta su s postojećeg upitnika IPQ-R (Upitnik percepcije bolesti) te prevedena na hrvatski jezik. Objektivni su podaci medicinske dijagnoze na temelju ehokardiografskih doplerskih parametara. Prikupljanje anketa je trajalo od siječnja do kolovoza 2018. godine. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u tri skupine, ovisno o težini bolesti odnosno dijagnozi.
REZULTATI: Od 60 ispitanika, u skupini „A“- s lakšim dijagnozama ima 30 ispitanika, u skupini „B“- s umjerenim dijagnozama ima 20 ispitanika, te u skupini „C“- s težim dijagnozama ima 10 ispitanika. Većina ispitanika, njih 40 bi svoju bolest ocijenila kao „umjerenu“, zatim 13 ispitanika smatra da je njihova bolest „teška“ te 7 da je ona „lakša“. U usporedbi s objektivnim podacima svakog ispitanika, najviše je onih koji precjenjuju svoju bolest, čak 31 ispitanik.
ZAKLJUČAK: Postoji podudarnost subjektivnog doživljaja bolesti s objektivnim parametrima težine bolesti. Najviše ispitanika 51,7% precjenjuje svoju bolest, zatim 36,7% ispitanika svoju bolest doživljava realno, odnosno u skladu s objektivnim parametrima bolesti. Podcjenjivanje bolesti u ovom istraživanju je prisutno kod 11,6% ispitanika, odnosno ti ispitanici svoju bolest doživljavaju lakšom nego što ona to uistinu jest. |
Abstract (english) | TITLE: Correlation of subjective experience and objective parameters of the severity of heart valve disease
OBJECTIVE: The aims of this research are to find out if there is a congruency between the subjective perception of an illness and the objective parameters of the severity of the illness; to examine the ratio of agitation without a relevant basis- overestimation of the illness; to research the degree of underestimation of one’s illness – lack of criticism and rejection of the illness with inappropriate behaviour.
STUDY DESIGN: cross-sectional study
PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: 60 participants with heart valve disease treated in the Polyclinic Kardioton participated in the study. A questionnaire was used to collect subjective data. The questionnaire comprised demographic data including sex, age, marital status, work status, education and 38 items eliciting illness perception. A five-point Likert-type scale of agreement accompanied each of the 38 statements (1-strongly disagree, 5-strongly agree). The questionnaire was adapted from the IPQ-R (Revised Illness Perception) questionnaire and translated to Croatian. The objective data is based on the medical diagnosis of the Doppler echocardiographic parameters. The questionnaires were collected in the period of January through August 2018. The participants were divided into 3 groups, depending on the severity and diagnosis of their illness.
RESULTS: Out of 60 participants, 30 are part of the “A” group with less difficult diagnoses, 20 are part of the “B” group with moderate diagnoses, and 10 are part of the “C” group with difficult diagnoses. Most of the participants (40) would rate their illness as “moderate”, 13 consider their illness to be “difficult”, and 7 consider it to be “less difficult.” Compared to the objective data of each of the participants, most of them (31) overestimate their illness.
CONCLUSION: Conclusion: There is a congruency between the subjective perception of one’s illness and the objective parameters of the severity of the illness. 51,7% of the participants, the largest number overestimate their illness, 36,7% of them perceive it realistically or in congruence with the objective parameters. 11,6% of the participants underestimate their illness, i.e., they perceive it to be less difficult than it actually is. |