Abstract | Autorica, na temelju očuvanih antičkih povijesnih izvora, arheoloških ostataka, umjetničkih djela i prikaza, ponekad i arhitekture te relevantne znanstvene literature, nastoji rekonstruirati gladijatorske igre od samih njihovih početaka u 3. st. pr. Kr., kada su bile dio pogrebnih obreda – munera, preko razdoblja kada one postaju državne igre – ludi, sve do njihova nestanka u 5. st. Kao dio života jednog Rimljanina, odlazak na gladijatorske igre predstavljao je zabavu, ali i kontinuitet njegovih običaja. Širenjem rimskog imperija, romanizacijom osvojenog prostora, izrastala su i nova mjesta održavanja, izgradnjom velikog broja amfiteatara svuda po imperiju. Amfiteatri su bili odraz rimskog društva kroz raspored sjedenja, jednako kao i kroz hijerarhijski odnos u samoj areni. Gladijatorska služba bila je apsurd – s jedne su strane gladijatori bili robovi, ratni zarobljenici, dok se s druge strane javljaju brojni odvažni dobrovoljci, koji će upravo kroz tu službu steći slavu. Tijekom stoljeća izrastale su nove vrste gladijatora, koje su zasjenile one prve, poznate po svojoj etničkoj pripadnosti. Svaka nova informacija o ovom spektaklu, koliko god bila tek kap u moru, od velike je vrijednosti, ne samo za lokalnu historiografiju, nego i za turizam. Prvi puta će na hrvatskom jeziku biti pisano o fenomenu ženskih gladijatora, temi koja je uvelike problematična zbog nedostataka većeg broja izvora, ali u svijetu sve više istraživana u zadnjih nekoliko godina. Spoznati odraz rimskog društva u amfiteatru nije malo postignuće. |
Abstract (english) | Based on preserved ancient historical sources, archaeological remains, works of art and displays, sometimes architecture and relevant scientific literature, the author tries to reconstruct gladiator games from their very beginning in the 3rd century BC, when they were part of funeral rituals – munera, over the period when they became public games – ludi, until their disappearance in the 5th century. Going to the gladiator games was representing fun, but also the continuity of customs in the Roman's life. With expansion of the Roman Empire and romanization of the conquered space, new territories of maintenance have emerged, including a huge number of amphitheatres all over the empire. The amphitheatres were reflection of the Roman society through the seating arrangement, as well as the hierarchical relationship in the arena itself. The gladiatorial service was absurd – on the one hand, the gladiators were slaves, war prisoners, while on the other hand, there were many courageous volunteers, who would get the glory through that service. Over the centuries, new types of gladiators overshadowed the first ones that were known for their ethnicity. Every new information about this spectacle, even if it's just a drop in an sea, is of great value not only for the local historiography, but also for tourism. For the first time ever, in the Croatian language, it will be written about the phenomen of female gladiators, a topic that is greatly problematic due to low number of sources, but is becoming a research subject more frequently in the recent years. To cognize the image of the Roman society in the amphitheatre is not a small achievement. |