Title Uloga samostišavanja i religioznosti u objašnjenju kvalitete bračnog odnosa
Title (english) The role of self-silencing and religiosity in the explanation of marital quality
Author Ana Šeremet
Mentor Marina Merkaš (mentor)
Committee member Anamarija Bogović Dijaković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Pačić Turk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Merkaš (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-07-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Social Psychology
Abstract Polazeći od modela kompenzacijskog djelovanja religioznosti (Sullivan, 2001), prema kojemu visoka razina religioznosti može smanjiti ili poništiti negativan učinak nekog faktora na bračnu prilagodbu pojedinca, za potrebe ovog rada postavljen je model moderatorskog djelovanja religioznosti na odnos samostišavanja i bračne kvalitete. Model je u ovom radu empirijski provjeravan posebno na uzorku žena i muškaraca. Za mjerenje samostišavanja korištena je Skala samostišavanja (Jack i Dill, 1992), za mjerenje religioznosti korištene su Skala religijske autentičnosti (Worhington i sur. 2003) i Skala zajedničkih religijskih aktivnosti (Mahoney i sur., 1999), a za mjerenje bračne kvalitete Skala zadovoljstva brakom (Ćubela Adorić i Jurević, 2007) te Skala prilagodbe u dijadi (Busby i sur., 1995). U istraživanju su sudjelovala 163 bračna para. Moderatorske analize provedene su pomoću Process makroa za SPSS (Hayes, 2012). Rezultati pokazuju da se muškarci statistički značajno više samostišavaju u usporedbi sa ženama, zadovoljniji su brakom te procjenjuju boljom međusobnu prilagodbu partnera u bračnom odnosu, dok žene izražavaju višu razinu religijske autentičnosti. Samostišavanje žena se pokazalo značajnim negativnim prediktorom zadovoljstva brakom žena i ženine procjene međusobne prilagodbe partnera u bračnom odnosu, ali isti obrazac odnosa između ispitivanih konstrukata nije dobiven na uzorku muškaraca. Nadalje, religijska autentičnost žena i ženina procjena zajedničkih religijskih aktivnosti sa supružnikom pozitivni su prediktori zadovoljstva brakom žena i ženine procjene međusobne prilagodbe partnera u bračnom odnosu. Kod muškaraca, religijska autentičnost pozitivan je prediktor njihove procjene međusobne prilagodbe partnera u bračnom odnosu, dok je muževa procjena zajedničkih religijskih aktivnosti pozitivan prediktor i zadovoljstva brakom muškaraca i njihove procjene međusobne prilagodbe partnera u bračnom odnosu. Rezultati svih provedenih moderatorskih analiza ne potvrđuju pretpostavljeni moderatorski učinak religioznosti na odnos samostišavanja i bračne kvalitete.
Abstract (english) Based on the compensation model of religiosity (Sullivan, 2001), according to which the high level of religiosity can minimize or abolish negative effect of some factor on marriage adjustment of an individual, a model of the moderator effect of religiosity on the relationship between self-silencing and marital quality was developed for this work. The model was tested separately for women and men. In this work the Scale of self-silencing (Jack & Dill, 1992) for assessment of self-silencing, the Scale of religiosity commitment (Worhington et al., 2003) and the Scale of joint religious activities (Mahoney et al., 1999) for assessment of religiosity, the Scale of marriage satisfaction (Ćubela Adorić & Jurević, 2007) and Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Busby et al., 1995) for the measurement of marriage quality have been used. 163 married couples were involved in this research. All moderator analyses were conducted using the Macro process for SPSS (Hayes, 2012). The results show that men, compared to women, are more involved in the process of self-silencing , that they are more satisfied with their marriage and they estimate mutual partner's adjustment in marriage is better. Women express a higher level of religion commitment. Women's self-silencing is a negative predictor of their marriage satisfaction and estimation of mutual partner's adjustment, but that was not found in the male sample. Women's religion commitment and perception of common religious activities with their spouse are positive predictors of their marriage satisfaction and perception of mutual partner's adjustment. For men, their religion commitment is a positive predictor of their perception of mutual partner's adjustment, while perception of common religious activities is a positive predictor of their marriage satisfaction as well as their perception of mutual partner's adjustment. The results of moderator analyses indicat no significant moderation effect of religiosity on the relation between self-silencing and marriage quality in both samples.
bračna kvaliteta
kompenzacijski model religioznosti
Keywords (english)
marital quality
compensation model of religiosity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:310200
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
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Created on 2017-11-24 09:05:35