Title Đakovština u kanonskim vizitacijama 18. stoljeća i prve polovice 19. stoljeća
Title (english) Đakovo county in the canonical visitation records of the 18th and first half of the 19th century
Author Jelena Pavković
Mentor Maja Katušić (mentor)
Committee member Valentina Janković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Luka Šešo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Katušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of History) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-08-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Early Croatian and World History
Abstract Obilazak svojih dijeceza, stjecanje uvida u stanje župa, morala klera i naroda, a u svrhu uspostave kontrole, iskorjenjivanja hereza i promicanja vjere i ćudoređa, obveza je katoličkih biskupa. Pri svojim pohodima biskupi vode zapisnike, kanonske vizitacije. Uz mnoštvo podataka o crkvenim interijerima, liturgijskom posuđu, prihodima i osobama župnika, vizitacije su izvori koji pružaju sliku i o inače nevidljivim „malim“ ljudima, župljanima, ponajprije onim nediscipliniranima i nemoralnima. Nadalje, tu su i (ne)posluh Božjim zapovijedima teobičaji puka, onakvi kakvima ih vide vizitatori. Upravo će ti i takvi zapisi biti tema ovoga rada. Obrađivat će se zapisi kanonskih vizitacija Đakovštine u 18. i polovinom 19. stoljeća, dosada neobrađeni u znanstvenoj literaturi, koje je preveo i objavio Stjepan Sršan.
Kako bi se mogle razumjeti crkvene prakse u 18. i 19. stoljeću, koristit će se onodobna katehetska literatura i u njoj navedene i vjernicima objašnjene crkvene zapovijedi: (1) obveza odmora od fizičkog rada nedjeljama i blagdanima, (2) obveza prisustvovanja i pobožnog slušanja svete mise nedjeljama i blagdanima, (3) obveza posta u određene dane te nemrsa petkom i subotom, (4) ispovijed i pričest najmanje jednom godišnje, (5) zabrana slavlja vjenčanja u određenim liturgijskim razdobljima u godini. Navedeno će se usporediti s informacijama koje pružaju vizitacije, pokazujući u kojoj su se mjeri crkvene norme obdržavale u praksi. Prikazat će se i druge primjedbe župnika na svoje župljane s obzirom na nemar prema primanju sakramenata, osobito bolesničkog pomazanja i krštenja novorođenčadi;pružit će se uvid u ponekad problematično ponašanje primalja kao i poroke bludničenja, pijančevanja i psovke. Na kraju rada bit će riječi o korištenim sredstvima župnika pri pokušajima discipliniranja svojih vjernika.
Abstract (english) Catholic bishops' duties are, among others, visiting their respective dioceses and getting to know the state of its parishes, clerics' and parishioners' morals to establish effective control over it, eradicate heresies and promote faith and good morals. During their visits they keep records that are called canonical visitations. Besides lots of information about the churches interiors, liturgical vessels, parish priest and their income, visitations are sources that provide us with a picture of the state of parishioners, otherwise invisible people, primarily those undisciplined and immoral, as seen by the clergy. Visitation also gives information about the customs and violating God's commandments. Those records, namely, canonical visitations of the Đakovo county in the 18th and first half of the 19th century, translated and published by Stjepan Sršan, that hadn't been written about in the scientific literature, will be the main source for this work.
In order to understand ecclesiastical practices of the 18th and 19th century catechetical literature will be used in order to explain the five precepts of the Catholic church: (1) the obligation to give up working on Sundays and Feast days, (2) attendance and pious listening to Mass on Sundays and Feast days, (3) the obligation of fasting on certain days and abstaining from meat on Fridays and Saturdays, (4) confession and communion at least once a year, (5) not celebrating weddings in certain liturgical periods. This will be compared with the information given by visitations which then show if and how the ecclesiastical standards were respected in practice. Other remarks made by the parish priest will also be examined, such as carelessness to call the priest forgiving the extreme unction to the sick and baptism of the newborns; the insight will be given about the sometimes problematic behaviour of the midwives, sexual intercourse outside marriage, swearing and excessive drinking. Finally, the thesis will be concluded with the chapter about the ways and means of the discipline methods performed by the spiritual and secular representatives.
povijest svakodnevice
briga za vjernike
vjerski život i disciplina
Keywords (english)
Early modern period
Đakovo county
history of the everyday life
pastoral care
religious life and discipline
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:964601
Study programme Title: Department of History Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra povijesti (magistar/magistra povijesti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-11-11 13:38:36