Title Pojavnost i karakteristike rizičnih oblika ponašanja učenika škole za medicinske sestre
Title (english) Occurrence and Characteristics of Risky Forms of Behavior with Students at the Medical School for Nurses
Author Gordana Major
Mentor Vjekoslav Peitl (mentor)
Committee member Maja Vilibić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dinko Puntarić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vjekoslav Peitl (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Na ponašanja i život adolescenata veliki utjecaj uz genetiku ima i obitelj i okolina. No, također veliku ulogu ima i školsko okruženje te odabir društva u adolescenciji. Danas je poznato da su adolescentima mnogi sadržaji lako dostupni, što uz općenito manju involviranost roditelja u živote djece nego što je bilo u prethodnim generacijama (rad oba roditelja, manja podrška drugih članova obitelji zbog manje brojnosti i razdvojenosti članova, dulja putovanja i dr.) utječe na sklonost rizičnim oblicima ponašanja. Stoga je važno pratiti trendove među mladima te ukoliko je moguće identificirati rizične momente kako bi se na iste moglo djelovati preventivnim strategijama.
U ovom radu opisane su karakteristike i pojavnosti rizičnih oblika ponašanja kod učenika srednje škole za medicinske sestre, razlike u sklonosti rizičnom ponašanju vezano za pušenje, alkohol, droge te razlike u spolnom ponašanju između učenika prvih i petih razreda. Također su opisane razlike između sklonosti rizičnom ponašanju između učenika iz razvedenih obitelji, samohranih roditelja te nižeg socioekonomskog statusa. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 95 učenika prvih i petih razreda srednje škole za medicinske sestre. Rezultati su pokazali da svakodnevno puši 69 % učenika, vikendom pije 33,9 % učenika i to miješana pića njih 30,5%. Drogu je probalo 29,5 % učenika,a marihuanu redovito konzumira 3,6 % učenika. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako ne postoji značajnih razlika u rizičnom ponašanju između učenika prvih i petih razreda srednje škole za medicinske sestre. No valja istaknuti zanimljiv podatak kako djeca samohranih roditelja manje puše nego djeca roditelja koji nisu samohrani. Prije generalizacije ovih podataka na opću populaciju potrebno je voditi računa i ograničenjima istraživanja, no i unatoč istima daju vrijedan presjek populacije koju bi se zbog specifičnosti edukativnog kurikuluma moglo barem djelomično smatrati zahvaćenom preventivnim strategijama po pitanju rizičnih ponašanja.
Abstract (english) Family and environment have besides genetics a great impact on the behavior and life of adolescents. Another great role plays the school environment and the choice of company during this period.
These days it is well known that many contents are easily accessible to those young people, which, accompanying general lesser parent involvement in their children’s lives than it used to be in previous generations (both parents working, support of other family members to a lesser extent due to a smaller number and being spread all over, longer journeys and others) influences the tendency to risky forms of behavior. It is therefore important to track trends among the youth, and as far as possible identify risky moments in order to influence such by preventive strategies and measures.
In this paper the characteristics and occurrences of risky forms of behavior with students at a medical school for nurses are described, differences in tendencies to risky behavior with regard to smoking, alcohol and drugs and differences in sexual behavior among first grade students and fifth grade students. There have been outlined as well differences between tendencies to risky behavior among students from divorced families, single parents and students of lower socio economic status. 95 first and fifth grade students of the medical school for nurses participated in the research. The results show that 69% of the students smoke every day, 33,9% of them drink at weekends, 30,5% of them mixed drinks. 29,5% of them have tried drugs while 3,6% of them use marihuana on a regular basis. The research results show that there are no significant differences in risky behavior among first and fifth grade students at the medical school for nurses. Nevertheless, the fact that children of single parents smoke less than students with both parents is quite interesting. Before generalizing this data to the general population it is necessary to take the constraints of this research into account. But regardless of them, they give a valuable section of the population which could due to the specificity of the educational curriculum at least partly be considered covered by the preventive strategies in regard of risky behaviors.
medicinska škola
rizična ponašanja
Keywords (english)
medical school
risky behavior
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:823044
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-11-18 10:53:39