Title Pristutnost neuropatske boli kod pacijenata nakon transplantacije bubrega i nefrektomije
Title (english) The presence of neuropathic pain in pacients after kidney transplantation and nephrectomy
Author Ivana Crnković
Mentor Marta Čivljak (mentor)
Mentor Lidija Fumić Dunkić (komentor)
Committee member Ivan Šklebar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Čerkez Habek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Fumić Dunkić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-11-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Uvod: Neuropatska bol definira se kao posljedica bolesti ili oštećenja središnjeg ili perifernog živčanog sustava. Kronična bol, osobito neuropatska bol, uvelike utječe na kvalitetu života kod pacijenata nakon transplantacije bubrega i nefrektomije, stoga je vrlo bitno da se prepozna što ranije.
Cilj: Ciljevi istraživanja bili su utvrditi postoji li razlika između pacijenata koji su podvrgnuti transplantaciji bubrega i pacijenata kod kojih je rađena nefrektomija u odnosu na incidenciju neuropatske boli te da li je incidencija neuropatske boli veća kod pacijenata koji boluju od dijabetesa, imaju postavljenu psihijatrijsku dijagnozu te su prethodno više puta operirani.
Metode: Ovo presječno istraživanje provedeno je na Odjelu za urologiju, Urološkoj ambulanti i Nefrološko-transplantacijskoj ambulanti, Kliničke bolnice „Merkur“. Analizirani su podaci 80 pacijenata od kojih je 45 imalo transplantaciju bubrega, a 35 nefrektomiju. Za procjenu boli korišteni su validirani upitnici, VAS skala boli, a za procjenu neuropatske boli korišten je pain detect upitnik preveden na hrvatski.
Rezultati: Većina ispitanika ima negativan rezultat prema pain detect upitniku (92,5%). Spol, životne navike, dijagnoza dijabetesa i prethodne operacije nisu pokazale značajne razlike u odnosu na pain detect upitnik. Stariji ispitanici (61-84 godina) imali su značajno više prisutnu neuropatsku bol u odnosu na mlađe ispitanika (p= 0,04). Pacijenti koji imaju dijagnozu psihijatrijske bolesti imali su veći broj nejasnih rezultata prema pain detect upitniku (p= 0,019) kao i veći intenzitet boli prema VAS skali u trenutku ispunjavanja upitnika (p= 0,002), najjaču bol u zadnja 4 tjedna (p= 0,001) i prosječnu bol u zadnja 4 tjedna (p= 0,003) za razliku od pacijenata koji nemaju dijagnozu psihijatrijske bolesti.
Zaključak: Nije utvrđena razlika u incidenciji neuropatske boli kod pacijenata nakon transplantacije i nefrektomija. Dijabetes i prethodne operacije nisu pokazali statističku značajnost u incidenciji neuropatske boli. Ispitanici koji su imali dijagnosticiranu prethodnu psihijatrijsku dijagnozu osjećaju značajno veću bol i imaju više nejasnih rezultata na pain detect upitniku.
Abstract (english) Background: Neuropathic pain is defined as the result of disease or damage to the central or peripheral nervous system. Chronic pain, especially neuropathic pain, greatly affects the quality of life in patients after kidney transplantation and nephrectomy, so it is very important to recognize it as early as possible.
Aim: The objectives of the study were to determine whether there is a difference between patients undergoing kidney transplantation and patients who underwent nephrectomy in relation to the incidence of neuropathic pain, and whether the incidence of neuropathic pain is higher in patients with diabetes, psychiatric diagnosis, and previous surgery.
Methods: This cross- sectional study was conducted at the Department of Urology, Urology Clinic and Nephrology-Transplant Clinic, Clinical Hospital "Merkur". Data from 80 patients were analyzed, 45 of them had a kidney transplant and 35 had a nephrectomy. Validated questionnaires are used to assess pain, the VAS pain scale, and the pain detect questionnaire translated into Croatian was used to assess neuropathic pain.
Results: Most respondents have a negative result according to the pain detect questionnaire (92.5%). Gender, lifestyle habits, diagnosis of diabetes, and previous surgeries showed no significant differences from the pain detection questionnaire. Older subjects (61-84 years) had significantly more neuropathic pain present compared to younger subjects (p = 0.04). Patients diagnosed with psychiatric illness had a higher number of adverse outcomes according to the pain detection questionnaire (p = 0,019) as well as a higher intensity of pain according to the VAS scale at the time of filling the inquiry (p = 0,002), the strongest pain in the last 4 weeks (p= 0,001) and average pain in the last 4 weeks (p = 0,003) compared to patients without a diagnosis of psychiatric illness.
Conclusion: The obtained results show that there is no difference in the incidence of neuropathic pain in patients after transplantation and nephrectomy. Diabetes and previous surgeries have not shown statistical significance in the incidence of neuropathic pain. Subjects who had been diagnosed with a psychiatric diagnosis had significantly greater pain and more unclear results on the pain detect questionnaire.
Neuropatska bol
kronična bol
transplantacija bubrega
kvaliteta života
Keywords (english)
Neuropathic pain
chronic pain
kidney transplantation
quality of life
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:454396
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
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File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-11-20 10:05:31