Title Znanje i stavovi učenika škole za medicinske sestre o spolno prenosivim bolestima
Title (english) Knowledge and attitudes of nursing school students about sexually transmitted diseases
Author Alma Karabegović
Mentor Dinko Puntarić (mentor)
Committee member Dinko Puntarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Ropac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Elvira Lazić Mosler (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-02-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Uvod: Spolno prenosive bolesti među vodećim su javnozdravstvenim problemima. Današnji život je užurban, roditelji puno rade, nastavnici su također opterećeni, te može doći do neadekvatne informiranosti i pogrešnih stavova. Mlade bi trebalo educirati dovoljno rano, prije nego formiraju stavove, stupe u prvi spolni odnos, izlože se riziku oboljenja.
Ciljevi: Cilj je provjeriti znanje i načine informiranja učenika o spolnosti, spolno prenosivim bolestima, kontracepciji.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno među 247 učenika prvih, trećih i petih razreda škole za medicinske sestre. Korišten je anonimni upitnik, izrađen u svrhu ovog istraživanja. Prije istraživanja dobiveno je dopuštenje ravnateljice škole. Podaci su analizirani statističkim metodama.
Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je 32,8% učenika prvih, trećih i petih razreda seksualno aktivno, u većini su to malodobni ispitanici, jer je prosjek stupanja u spolne odnose iznosio 16 godina života. Treba uzeti u obzir da je učenika trećih i petih razreda više nego u prvim razredima, a oni su i prema istraživanju seksualno aktivniji. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u stupanju u spolni odnos učenica i učenika. U jednakoj su mjeri seksualno aktivni. Znanje ispitanika o spolnom i reproduktivnom zdravlju je zadovoljavajuće jer su učenici u većini znali točne odgovore na pitanja koja su se odnosila na usvojeno znanje o navedenoj temi. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika tek u distribuciji odgovora na pitanje imaju li sve spolno prenosive bolesti simptome. Većina ispitanika se izjasnila da bi uvođenje zdravstvenog odgoja u škole bilo korisno.
Zaključak: Porastom dobi raste i broj onih koji su stupili u spolne odnose. Učenici nešto kasnije stupaju u spolne odnose za razliku od učenica. Većina učenika imalo je jednog ili dva seksualna partnera, te smatraju da su kroz obrazovanje naučili dovoljno, ali da postoji potreba za uvođenjem zdravstvenog odgoja. Kontracepciju koristi većina učenika.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Sexually transmitted diseases are among the leading public health problems. Today's pace of life is fast, parents work a lot, teachers are also busy, and the information they get can be inadequate and that can cause wrong attitudes. Young people should be educated early enough, before they form their attitudes, before they have their first sexual intercourse, and before they are exposed to the risk of disease.
Objectives: Entrust students with knowledge about sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, contraception.
Methods: Research was conduced on students of the school for nurses from first, third and fifth grade N = 247. An anonymous questionnaire was developed for the purpose of this research. Prior to the research, the permission of the ethics committee and the school principal was obtained. Data was analyzed by statistical methods.
Results: Research result found that 32.8% of first, third and fifth grade students are sexually active, most of them are minors, because the average sexual intercourse was at 16 years of age. It should be taken into account that there were more third and fifth grade students than in the first grades, and according to the research, they are also more sexually active. No statistically significant differences were found in the sexual intercourse of male and female students. They are equally sexually active. Students knowledge of sexual and reproductive health is satisfactory because most students knew the correct answers to questions related topic. A statistically significant difference was found only in the question do all sexually transmitted diseases have symptoms. The majority of respondents stated that the introduction of health education in schools would be beneficial.
CONCLUSION: As the age increases, so does the number of students who have sexual intercourse. Male students have sexual intercourse a little later, unlike female students. Most students had one or two sexual partners and they believe that they have learned enough through education but they also believe that there is a need to introduce health education in schools. Most students use contraception.
spolno ponašanje
kontracepcijsko ponašanje
spolno zdravlje
medicinska škola
spolno prenosive bolesti
Keywords (english)
sexual behavior
contraception behaviors
sexual health
medical school
sexually transmitted diseases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:926380
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2021-02-12 10:03:07