Abstract | UVOD:Na nižu zdravstvenu kvalitetu života korisnika domova za starije i nemoćne osobe utječu fiziološki procesi starenja, kronične bolesti, promjene u strukturi obitelji, institucionalizacija, a u današnje vrijeme i pandemija bolesti Covid-19.
CILJ:Istražiti percepciju zdravstvene kvalitete života korisnika domova za starije i nemoćne „Ježdovec“ u Zagrebu i „Zaprešić“ u Zaprešiću.
METODE:Za potrebe ovog presječnog istraživanja podaci su prikupljani strukturiranim Upitnikom o općim podatcima i Upitnikom o zdravstvenoj kvaliteti života SF-36. Ispitanike je činilo 58 korisnika domova Ježdovec i Zaprešić.
REZULTATI:U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 58 od 110 korisnika domova za starije osobe Ježdovec i Zaprešić. U ukupnom uzorku više je bilo žena (64,29%), ispitanika u dobnom razredu 76 do 84 godina (39,3%), prosječne životne dobi 77,8 godine, udovaca/ica (48,2%) i sa završenom srednjom školom, (41,1%), bez značajnih razlika između promatranih domova. Najviše ispitanika(35,7%) svoje zdravlje samoprocjenjuje otprilike istim s prošlogodišnjim. Prosječan zbroj samoprocjene iznosi 52,7 ± 68,4, s time da je bio značajno viši u ispitanika doma Ježdovec (68,3 ± 83,7). Najmlađi i najstariji ispitanici su značajno lošije samoprocjenjivali svoje zdravlje. Prosječan zbroj bodova SF-36 upitnika iznosio je 51,3 ± 36,0, bez značajnih razlika u fizičkom zdravlju (engl. PhysicalComponent Summary Measure, PCS) i psihičkom zdravlju(engl. MentalComponent Summary Measure, MCS),kao i ukupnom zdravlju između korisnika promatranih domova. Značajne razlike bile su povezane samo s dobi, najmlađi i najstariji ispitanici su najlošije samoprocjenjivali PCS, MCS i ukupno zdravlje.
ZAKLJUČAK:Dobiveni nalazi mogu pomoći zdravstvenom osoblju da identificira korisnike u kojih je prisutna niska razina zdravstvene kvalitete života i da osmisle odgovarajuće intervencije koji bi pridonijele poboljšanju kvalitete života korisnika domova. Veća angažiranost fizioterapeuta i zapošljavanje psihologa u domovima za starije i nemoćne mogu rezultirati njihovom višom zdravstvenom kvalitetom života. |
Abstract (english) | BACKGROUND:The lower health quality of life of home users for the elderly and infirm is influenced by physiological aging processes, chronic diseases, changes in family structure, institutionalization, and today the Covid-19 pandemic.
AIM:Investigate the perception of the health quality of life of users of homes for the elderly and infirm "Ježdovec" in Zagreb and "Zaprešić" in Zaprešić.
METHODS:For the purposes of this cross-sectional survey, data were collected by the Structured General Data Questionnaire and the SF-36 Health Quality of Life Questionnaire. The respondents consisted of 58 users of the Ježdovec and Zaprešić homes.
RESULTS:58 out of 110 users of homes for the elderly Ježdovec and Zaprešić participated in the research. In the total sample, there were more women (64,3%), respondents in the age group 76 to 84 years (39,3%), average age 77,8 years, widowers (48,2%) and with completed secondary school school, (41,1%), with no significant differences between the observed homes. Most respondents (35,7%) assess their health as approximately the same as last year. The average sum of self-assessment was 52,7 ± 68,4, with the fact that it was significantly higher in the respondents from the Ježdovec home (68,3 ± 83,7). The youngest and oldest respondents rated their health significantly worse. The average score of the SF-36 questionnaire was 51,3 ± 36,0, with no significant differences in PCS(Physical Component Summary Measure), MCS(Mental Component Summary Measure), and overall health among the users of the observed homes. Significant differences were related only to age, the youngest and oldest respondents had the worst self-assessment of PCS, MCS and overall health.
CONCLUSION:The findings can help healthcare professionals to identify beneficiaries with a low level of health quality of life and to design appropriate interventions that would contribute to improving the quality of life of home users. Greater involvement of physiotherapists and employment of psychologists in homes for the elderly and infirm can result in their higher health quality of life. |