Title Djeca kao odraz transcendentnog u filmovima Andreja Tarkovskog
Title (english) Children as a Reflection of Transcendence in Andrei Tarkovsky's films
Author Marin Pavelić
Mentor Irena Sever Globan (mentor)
Committee member Irena Sever Globan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krunoslav Novak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Ćurković Nimac (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-06-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je detaljno analizirati šest cjelovečernjih filmova ruskog redatelja Andreja Tarkovskog, odnosno devet likova djece koja se u njima pojavljuju kako bi dokazali kako su upravo oni odraz transcendencije i kako Tarkovski pomoću njih progovara o Bogu. Riječ je o filmskom autoru koji je svojim filmskim stilom i opusom zadužio čitavu svjetsku kinematografiju te ostavio utjecaj na mnoge filmaše i duboko religioznom čovjeku koji je vjerovao kako umjetnost treba služiti produbljivanju čovjekove duhovnosti. Ono što na poseban način karakterizira filmove Andreja Tarkovskog jesu metafizičko, snovi i djetinjstvo. U radu se želi istražiti upravo odnos između metafizičkog/transcendentnog i djetinjstva. Naime, gledajući i analizirajući autorove filmove došlo se do hipoteze da Tarkovski koristi likove djece kako bi izrazio transcendentno, dok je cilj rada vidjeti kojim se narativima i stilskim sredstvima redatelj služi kako bi dao svoju interpretaciju duhovnog i transcendentnog. Filmski teoretičar Paul Schrader navodi kako transcendentalni stil teži neizrecivom i nevidljivom, ali stil sam po sebi nije neizreciv i nevidljiv jer koristi precizna vremenska sredstva poput rakursa, dijaloga i montaže. Semiotičkom analizom dokazana je transcendentnost sljedećih likova: Ivana Bondareva (Ivanovo djetinjstvo), Boriske (Andrej Rubljov), Alekseja, Ignjata i Asafjeva (Zrcalo), Marte (Stalker), Domenicovog sina i Anđele (Nostalgija) te Gossena (Žrtva). Analiziranje likova otkrilo je ponavljajuće karakteristike koje povezujemo s transcendentnim što je ujedno i način kako Tarkovski koristi likove djece za izražavanje transcendentnog. Karakteristike su sljedeće: dubok i prodoran pogled, nadnaravne moći, misteriozna okruženja, dubok utjecaj na druge likove, postavljanje religioznih pitanja i usamljenost nalik pustinjacima, skromna odjeća i aluzija na kristoliki lik.
Abstract (english) The aim of this thesis was to analyze in detail six feature films by Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, or nine characters of children who appear in them to prove that they are a reflection of transcendence and how Tarkovsky, through them, discusses God. He is a filmmaker who, with his film style and oeuvre, indebted the entire world of cinema and left an impact on many filmmakers and a deeply religious man who believed that art should serve to deepen human spirituality. What characterizes Andrei Tarkovsky's films in a special way is the metaphysical, dreams and childhood. This paper seeks to explore the relationship between the metaphysical / transcendent and childhood. Namely, watching and analyzing the author's films, it was hypothesized that Tarkovsky uses children's characters to express the transcendent, while the aim of the paper is to see what narratives and stylistic means the director uses to provide his interpretation of the spiritual and the transcendent. Film theorist Paul Schrader states that the transcendental style strives for the ineffable and the invisible, but the style itself is not ineffable and invisible because it uses precise time means such as camera angle, dialogue and montage. Semiotic analysis proved the transcendence of the following characters: Ivan Bondarev (Ivan's childhood), Boriska (Andrei Rublev), Aleksei, Ignat and Asafiev (Mirror), Marta (Stalker), Domenico's son and Angela (Nostalgia) and Gossen (The Sacrifice). Analyzing the characters revealed recurring characteristics that we associate with the transcendent, which is also the way in which Tarkovsky uses children's characters to express the transcendent. These characteristics include: deep and penetrating gaze, supernatural powers, mysterious environments, deep influence on other characters, asking religious questi
Andrej Tarkovski
Keywords (english)
Andrei Tarkovsky
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:722541
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-06-20 11:09:07