Abstract | Uvod: Alkoholizam je najčešća bolest ovisnosti. Posljednjih godina je sve veća pojava alkoholizma kod žena koji se često povezuje i s drugim psihičkim poremećajima kao što su anksioznost i depresivnost. S obzirom na to da je alkohol poznat kao najstarije sredstvo koje pomaže pri uklanjanju napetosti i neraspoloženja, njegova zlouporaba može dovesti do ovisnosti o alkoholu te pogoršati anksioznost i depresivnost sve do jasnih psihičkih poremećaja.
Ciljevi: Cilj ovog istraživanja je istražiti povezanost anksioznosti i depresije kod žena ovisnih o alkoholu. Također, cilj je ispitati povezanost anksioznosti i depresije s subjektivnim osjećajem zdravlja.
Metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u Zagrebu na Zavodu za liječenje ovisnosti u Klinici za psihijatriju Vrapče, od lipnja do rujna 2018. godine. Provedeno je presječno istraživanje, a uzorak je bio prigodan. U istraživanju su sudjelovale pacijentica koje su se liječile od ovisnosti o alkoholu te su same ispunile upitnik koji se sastoji od informiranog pristanka, sociodemografskih podataka, HADS (Hospital anxiety and depression scale) i SF 36 upitnika. Istraživanje je bilo dobrovoljno i anonimno.
Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključeno 50 bolesnica s dijagnozom alkoholizma prema aktualnoj klasifikaciji MKB-10: F10.2. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na pojavnost patoloških simptoma anksioznosti kod 54% ispitanica dok pojavnost patoloških simptoma depresije prisutna je kod 26% ispitanica. Isto tako kod subjektivne samoprocjene osjećaja zdravlja rezultati ukazuju na značajnu statističku povezanost između vitalnosti (p=0,0), socijalnog funkcioniranja ( p=0,041) i psihičkog zdravlja (p=0,0) s prisutnošću simptoma anksioznosti. Kod osoba kod kojih su prisutni simptomi depresija postoji statistički značajna povezanost u svim dimenzijama zdravlja, osim fizičkog funkcioniranja (p=0,619) i ograničavanja zbog fizičkih poteškoća (p=0,052).
Zaključak: S obzirom na to da na liječenje od ovisnosti o alkoholu bolesnice dolaze većinom u uznapredovaloj fazi bolesti, simptomi anksioznosti ili depresija već su prisutne te se javljaju u svim fazama liječenja što se odražava na samo zdravlje i kvalitetu života. Stoga, bilo bi potrebno ih prepoznati čim prije kako bi pridonijeli cjelokupnom osjećaju zdravlja i boljoj kvaliteti života, a na taj način i bržem oporavku. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Alcoholism is the most common addictive disease. In recent years, there has been an increasing incidence of alcoholism in women, which is often associated with other psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression. Considering that alcohol is known as the oldest tool that helps to remove tension and moodiness, its abuse can lead to alcohol addiction and worsen anxiety and depression up to clear psychological disorders.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between anxiety and depression in women addicted to alcohol. Also, the goal is to examine the connection between anxiety and depression with the subjective feeling of health.
Methods: The research was conducted in Zagreb at the Institute for Addiction Treatment at the Vrapče Psychiatry Clinic, from June to September 2018. A cross-sectional study was conducted, and the sample was convenient. Patients who were being treated for alcohol addiction took part in the research and filled out a questionnaire consisting of informed consent, sociodemographic data, HADS (Hospital anxiety and depression scale) and SF 36 questionnaire. The research was voluntary and anonymous.
Results: The study included 50 patients diagnosed with alcoholism according to the current ICD-10 classification: F10.2. The research results indicate the occurrence of pathological symptoms of anxiety in 54% of the respondents, while the occurrence of pathological symptoms of depression is present in 26% of the respondents. Likewise, in the subjective self-assessment of the feeling of health, the results indicate a significant statistical association between vitality (p=0,0), social functioning (p=0,041) and psychological health (p=0,0) with the presence of anxiety symptoms. In persons with symptoms of depression, there is a statistically significant association in all dimensions of health, except for physical functioning (p=0,619) and limitation due to physical difficulties (p=0,052).
Conclusion: Given that patients come to treatment for alcohol addiction mostly in an advanced stage of the disease, symptoms of anxiety or depression are already present and occur in all stages of treatment, which reflects on health and quality of life. Therefore, it would be necessary to recognize them as soon as possible in order to contribute to the overall feeling of health and a better quality of life, and thus to a faster recovery. |