Abstract | Odnos i suživot medija i Crkve dinamičan je proces koji je kroz godine prerastao od nepovjerenja i suzdržanosti prema medijima u odnos obostranoga obogaćenja i suradnje. Tri su se značajne prekretnice dogodile u odnosu između Crkve i medija – susret s tiskanim medijima, susret s elektroničkim medijima te susret s Internetom, odnosno novim medijima kojima je put dakako otvorio II. vatikanski koncil. Crkva je prepoznala medije kao nezaobilazna sredstva za naviještanje evanđeoske poruke, bilo da je riječ o prvom susretu i navještaju, katehezi ili produbljivanju vjere. Stupila je na »novi forum za naviještanje evanđelja« i »izvezla na pučinu« internetske mreže. Crkva je više puta i na više načina jasno dala do znanja da korištenje medijima, posebice novim, u svrhu evangelizacije nije upitno, no izazovi naviještanja evanđelja preko novih medija pokazuju da treba naći pravi način i jezik za digitalno okruženje. Gledajući današnji digitalni krajolik, video podijeljen online, posebice preko platforme YouTube, nudi plodno područje za naviještanje evanđelja. YouTube je danas tako ispunjen kanalima na kojima svećenici, redovnici, redovnice i laici evangeliziraju, šire Radosnu vijest i dijele s drugima svoja svjedočanstva. U svrhu ovoga rada provedeno je istraživanje o evangelizaciji na YouTube platformi. Istraživanje je provedeno na dva YouTube kanala dviju evangelizacijskih platformi – američkoj platformi Ascension Presents i hrvatskoj platformi Nova Eva. Cilj je bio istražiti i usporediti kako jedna američka i jedna hrvatska platforma koriste YouTube za evangelizaciju te procijeniti kako hrvatska platforma Nova Eva stoji u odnosu na Ascension Presents – koristi li prednosti i mogućnosti YouTubea ili ima mjesta za napredak. |
Abstract (english) | The relationship and coexistence of the media and the Church is a dynamic process that has grown over the years from mistrust and restraint towards the media into a relationship of mutual enrichment and cooperation. Three significant turning points occurred in the relationship between the Church and the media - the encounter with the printed media, the encounter with the electronic media, and the encounter with the Internet, namely, the new media, that the Second Vatican Council paved the way for. The Church has recognized the media as an indispensable mean for announcing the Gospel, whether it is the first encounter with the Gospel, catechesis, or the deepening of the faith. The Church has joined the “new forum for the proclamation of the Gospel” and “put out into the deep” of Internet networks. The Church has made it clear many times and in many ways that the use of media, especially new ones, for evangelization is not questionable, but the challenges of proclaiming the Gospel through new media show that the right way and language for the digital environment must be found. Looking at today's digital landscape, a video shared online, especially through the YouTube platform, offers a fruitful area for evangelism. Today, YouTube is filled with channels where priests, monks, nuns, and laics evangelize, spread the Gospel, and share their testimonies with others. For this thesis, the research was conducted on evangelization on the YouTube platform. The research was conducted on two YouTube channels of two evangelistic platforms - the American platform Ascension Presents and the Croatian platform Nova Eva. The goal was to investigate and compare how one American and one Croatian platform use YouTube for evangelization, and to assess where the Croatian platform Nova Eva stands in relation to Ascension Presents - does it use the advantages and possibilities of YouTube or does it have room for improvement. |