Abstract | Uvod: Endometrioza je relativno česta dijagnoza kod žena generativne dobi karakterizirana prisustvom endometrijskih žlijezda i strome izvan maternice. Lezije i čvorovi koji histološki odgovaraju endometrijskom tkivu najčešće se nalaze na peritoneumu zdjelice, ali i na drugim organima poput jajnika, jajovoda i uterosakralnih ligamenata.
Cilj istraživanja: je ispitati utjecaj endometrioze na različite aspekte života žena reproduktivne dobi.
Metode: Ispitanice su žene generativne dobi koje imaju medicinsku dijagnozu endometrioze. Istraživanje je obavljeno elektronskim putem pomoću anonimnog upitnika i Google obrazaca. Za istraživanje je korišten anketni upitnik – Endometriosis Impact Questionnaire, 63 item EIQ (Upitnik o utjecaju endometrioze na različite aspekte života žena, upitnik sa 63 stavke) koji sadržava osam grupa pitanja i tri procjene u svakoj grupi.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je analizirano 148 upitnika. Istraživanjem je ustanovljeno kako je endometrioza imala negativniji utjecaj na tjelesno, psihičko, socijalno i seksualno funkcioniranje ispitanica koje su prethodno podvrgnute operativnom zahvatu u odnosu na ispitanice koje nisu bile podvrgnute operativnom zahvatu. Nadalje, endometrioza je imala negativniji utjecaj na ispitanice koje su prethodno podvrgnute operativnom zahvatu i u pogledu plodnosti i životnog stila. Konkretnije, t-testom za nezavisne uzorke prethodno navedene razlike pronađene su u tjelesnom funkcioniranju u periodu prije 1 do 5 godina (T=-3,824; P<0,001) i periodu prije više od 5 godina (T=-2,732; P=0,007), psihičkom funkcioniranju u periodu prije 1 do 5 godina (T=-3,573; P=0,001) i periodu prije više od 5 godina (T=-2,603; P=0,01), socijalnom funkcioniranju u periodu prije 1 do 5 godina (T=-2,365; P=0,01) i seksualnom funkcioniranju u protekloj godini (T=-2,529; P=0,01) te periodima prije 1 do 5 godina (T=-3,471; P=0,001) i više od 5 godina (T=-3,298; P=0,001). Razlike između ispitanica koje su prethodno imale operativni zahvat i ispitanica koje nisu bile podvrgnute operativnom zahvatu u utjecaju endometrioze na plodnost pronađene su u periodu prije više od 5 godina (T=-2,043; P=0,04), dok je za životni stil razlika pronađena u periodu prije 1 do 5 godina (T=-2,220; P=0,02).
Zaključak: Ovim istraživanjem potvrđen je negativan utjecaj endometrioze na kvalitetu života žena reproduktivne dobi u Republici Hrvatskoj. |
Abstract (english) | Introduction: Endometriosis is a relatively common diagnosis in women of reproductive age, characterized by the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterus. Lesions and nodules histologically corresponding to endometrial tissue are most commonly found on the peritoneum of the pelvis, but also on other organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterosacral ligaments.
Aim: The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of endometriosis on various aspects of the lives of women of reproductive age.
Methods: The subjects were women of reproductive age who had been medically diagnosed with endometriosis. The study was conducted electronically using an anonymous questionnaire and Google forms. The study used the Endometriosis Impact Questionnaire (EIQ) with 63 items, containing eight groups of questions and three ratings in each group.
Results: 148 questionnaires were evaluated during the study. The study found that endometriosis had a more negative effect on physical, psychological, social, and sexual functioning in subjects who had previously undergone surgery than in subjects who had not. In addition, endometriosis had a more negative effect on both fertility and lifestyle in subjects who had previously undergone surgery. Specifically, using the independent-samples t test, the above differences in physical functioning in the period before 1 to 5 years (T=-3.824; P<0.001) and in the period before more than 5 years (T=-2.732; P=0.007), psychological functioning in the period before 1 to 5 years (T=-3.573; P=0.001) and in the period before more than 5 years (T=-2.603; P=0.01), social functioning in the period before 1 to 5 years (T=-2.365; P=0.01), and sexual functioning in the last year (T=-2.529; P=0.01) and in the period before 1 to 5 years (T=-3.471; P=0.001) and before more than 5 years (T=-3.298; P=0.001). Differences between subjects who had previously undergone surgery and subjects who had not undergone surgery in the effect of endometriosis on fertility were found in the period more than 5 years ago (T=-2.043; P=0.04), whereas for lifestyle, the difference was found in the period 1 to 5 years ago (T=-2.220; P=0.02).
Conclusion: This study confirms the negative impact of endometriosis on the quality of life of women of reproductive age in the Republic of Croatia. |