Title Plodnost žena reproduktivne dobi nakon preboljelog karcinoma dojke
Title (english) Fertility of Women of Reproductive Age After Brest Cancer
Author Helena Podvorec
Mentor Ingrid Marton (mentor)
Committee member Ana Tikvica Luetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Stanec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ingrid Marton (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-01-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Uvod:Karcinom dojke je najčešća maligna bolest žena reproduktivne dobi. Liječi se kirurški,
kemoterapijski, hormonalnom terapijom i zračenjem. Dijagnoza karcinoma dojke u mladih
žena predstavlja prijetnju plodnosti. Osnovna procjena rezerve jajnika može pomoći u
razmatranju različitih opcija očuvanja plodnosti. Odabir odgovarajuće strategije očuvanja
plodnosti također ovisi o dobi, vrsti kemoterapije, partnerskom statusu i motivaciji
Cilj:Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi fertilni potencijal onkoloških pacijentica reproduktivne dobi
liječenih od karcinoma dojke.
Hipoteze:Kemoterapijsko i radijoterapijsko liječenje karcinoma dojke smanjuje plodnost
Ispitanici i metode:Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 50 žena fertilne dobi koje su
pronađene pomoću Bolničkog informacijskog sustava na temelju dijagnoze i dobi. Ispitanice
su kontaktirane telefonski te je uz usmenu suglasnost provedena telefonska anketa. Anketa
kojom je provedeno istraživanje sadrži pitanja vezana uz dijagnozu, reproduktivnu
anamnezu i laboratorijsko određivanje parametara fertilnog potencijala. U okviru
deskriptivne statistike, varijable se analiziralo koristeći deskriptivne pokazatelje distribucije
stvarnih i relativnih frekvencija, mjerama centralne tendencije - aritmetička sredina, medijan,
mod, kvartili i mjere disperzije (raspršenja) – standardna devijacija, varijanca te raspon. U
okviru inferencijalne statistike, podaci su testirani studentovim t testom za velike nezavisne
uzorke, studentovim t testom za velike zavisne uzroke i hi-kvadrat testom. P vrijednosti za
statičku analizu biti će dvostrane, a razina značajnosti α=0,05.
Rezultati:Na temelju navedene varijable pokazalo se da od 50 ispitanica, samo 2 su uspjele
ostvariti trudnoću nakon liječenja što već sugerira nisku vjerojatnost mogućeg začeća
(poroda/pobačaja) nakon liječenja. Također, uspoređene su aritmetičke sredine broja poroda
prije i nakon liječenja. Pokazalo se kako se one statistički značajno razlikuju na razini
značajnosti od 5%.
Zaključak: Ispitanice nisu dobile nikakve informacije o mogućnostimaizrade hormonskog
profila i niti jedna nije informirana o značenju anti-mullerovog hormona. Ispitanice nisu
uopće upućene na izradu hormonskog profila i anti-mullerovog hormona (AMH).
Abstract (english) Backgroud: Breast cancer is the most common malignant disease of woman of reproductive
age. It is treated with surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and radiation. A diagnosis
of breast cancer in young women poses a threat to fertility. A basic assessment of ovarian
reserve can help in considering different fertility preservation options. Choosing appropriate
strategy also depends on the age, type of chemotherapy, partner status and motivation of the
Aim:The aim of the research is to determine the fertility potential of oncology patients of
reproductive age treated for breast cancer.
Hypotheses:Chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment for breast cancer reduces women's
Methods:The research was conducted on a sample of 50 women of childbearing age who
were found using the Hospital Information System based on diagnosis and age. The
respondents were contacted by phone and a telephone survey was conducted with verbal
consent. The survey with which the research was conducted contains questions related to
diagnosis, reproductive history and laboratory determination of parameters of fertile
potential. Within descriptive statistics, variables were analyzed using descriptive indicators
of the distribution of real and relative frequencies, measures of central tendency - arithmetic
mean, median, mode, quartiles and measures of dispersion (scattering) - standard deviation,
variance and range. In the framework of inferential statistics, data were tested with the
Student's t test for large independent samples, the Student's t test for large dependent causes,
and the chi-square test. P values for static analysis will be two-sided, and the significance
level will be α=0.05.
Results: On the basis of the mentioned variable, it was shown that out of 50 test subjects, only
2 managed to have a birth/abortion after treatment, which already suggests a low
probability of a possible birth/abortion after treatment. Arithmetic means of the number of
births before and after treatment were also compared. It was shown that they are statistically
significantly different at the 5% significance level.
Conclusion: The subjects were not given any information about the possibility of creating a
hormonal profile and none of them were informed about the meaning of anti-Mullerian hormone. The test subjects were not instructed at all to create a hormonal profile and anti-Millershormone.
Karcinom dojke
reproduktivna dob
strategije očuvanja plodnosti
Keywords (english)
Breast cancer
reproductive age
fertility preservation strategies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:351028
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-02-06 14:28:47