Title Komunikacijski kanali hrvatske modne industrije
Title (english) The Communication Channels of the Croatian Fashion Industry
Author Ana Carević
Mentor Ivana Ogrizek Biškupić (mentor)
Committee member Lucija Mihaljević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Ćurković Nimac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Ogrizek Biškupić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-03-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Razvoj tehnologije promijenio je načine na koje se publika koristi medijima, kao i načine na koje im pristupa. Korisnici medija više nisu pasivni promatrači već aktivno i interaktivno sudjeluju u cjelokupnom medijskom procesu, a njihovi kriteriji za pozornost sve su veći i veći. Proces digitalizacije je medije podijelio na tradicionalne i nove medije što je značajno utjecalo i na samu srž novinarstva zbog čega se danas može govoriti o novinarstvu tradicionalnih medija te novinarstvu novih medija. Društvene mreže postale su važan faktor u segmentu komunikacije s klijentima, promoviranja proizvoda, ali i samog načina poslovanja zbog čega se komunikacija klijenata i brendova mijenja. Cilj ovoga rada jest kvalitativnom analizom i metodom intervjua utvrditi u kojoj se mjeri hrvatski modni dizajneri koriste mogućnostima koje im pružaju društvene mreže. Odnosno, zaključiti na koje načine i kojim komunikacijskim kanalima dolaze do ciljane publike i koriste li se u tim diseminacijskim procesima analizom i segmentacijom korisnika. Osim toga, u ovome radu problematizira se i ciljana publika koja se koristi društvenim mrežama, a kvantitativnom analizom i metodom upitnika nastoji se istražiti koliko su ispitanici upoznati s hrvatskim modnim dizajnerima, utječe li odabir komunikacijskih kanala na vidljivost mladih dizajnera te koliko je onih koji imaju povjerenja u preporuke influencera te u konačnici na taj način odabiru odjevne proizvode. Između ostaloga, u odnos se stavlja i uloga tradicionalnih medija i novih medija, a rezultati pokazuju da hrvatski modni dizajneri na hrvatskom tržištu preferiraju tiskana izdanja modnih i lifestyle magazina te su istovremeno svjesni da oni nemaju značajan promotivni utjecaj u odnosu na nove medije. U ovome radu obrađuje se teorijski okvir u kontekstu teme, predstavlja se istraživački problem te metodologija i hipoteze istraživanja i u konačnici se diskutiraju dobiveni rezultati.
Abstract (english) The development of technology has changed how the public uses and accesses media. Media users are no longer passive observers but actively and interactively participate in the entire media process, and their attention criteria are increasing continuously. The digitalization process has divided media into old and new media, significantly affecting the essence of journalism and thus deepening the gap between the two. Social networks have become a crucial factor in the customer communication segment, product promotion, and even business operations, causing customer and brand communication to change. This paper aims to determine to what extent Croatian fashion designers use the opportunities offered by social networks while using qualitative analysis and interview methods. More specifically, the goal is to conclude how and through which communication channels they reach their target audience and whether they use user analysis and segmentation in these dissemination processes. In addition, this paper problematizes the target audience that uses social networks and, through quantitative analysis and questionnaire methods, seeks to investigate the level of familiarity of respondents with Croatian fashion designers, the impact of communication channel selection on the visibility of young designers, the extent to which people trust influencer recommendations and ultimately choose clothing products. The role of old and new media is also addressed, and the results show that Croatian fashion designers in the Croatian market prefer printed editions of fashion and lifestyle magazines and are simultaneously aware that they do not have a significant promotional impact concerning new media. This paper discusses the theoretical framework in the context of the topic, presents the research problem, methodology, and research hypotheses, and finally, discusses the gained results.
hrvatska modna industrija
modni dizajneri
tradicionalni mediji
novi mediji
društvene mreže
modni i lifestyle magazini
Keywords (english)
Croatian fashion industry
fashion designers
traditional media
new media
social networks
fashion and lifestyle maklčgazines
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:976594
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-03-17 07:51:15