Title Provjera metakognitivnog modela ruminacije i depresivnosti u trudnoći
Title (english) Testing the metacognitive model of rumination and depression symptoms during pregnancy
Author Marijana Bagarić
Mentor Sandra Nakić Radoš (mentor)
Committee member Anamarija Bogović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasminka Štefulj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Nakić Radoš (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Depresivnost u trudnoći predstavlja nedovoljno poznat i istražen javnozdravstveni problem koji se javlja kod 10-13% trudnica, a neliječena može imati brojne negativne posljedice na majku, dijete, obitelj i društvo. Etiologija nastanka depresivnosti u trudnoći nije do kraja razjašnjena. Metakognitivna teorija ruminacije i depresivnosti smatra da u nastanku depresije veliku ulogu imaju ruminacije. Ruminacije su okarakterizirane upornim negativnim razmišljanjem (Papageorgiou i Wells, 2004), dok metakognicija označava vjerovanja i procjene o vlastitom razmišljanju te sposobnost regulacije kognicije (Papageorgiou i Wells, 2001a). Prema ovoj teoriji, pozitivna metakognitivna vjerovanja o ruminaciji potiču aktivaciju ruminacije. Jednom aktivirana, ruminacija je štetna, a depresivni simptomi se intenziviraju aktivacijom negativnih metakognitivnih vjerovanja o ruminaciji. Obzirom na obećavajuće teorijske i praktične implikacije modela, a ograničenu primjenu na trudničkoj populaciji, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati metakognitivni model ruminacije i depresivnosti kod trudnica.
Istraživanje je provedeno online na uzorku trudnica u drugom tromjesečju trudnoće (N=200). Sudionice su ispunile Edinburški upitnik poslijeporođajne depresivnosti, Skalu ruminacije – kratka forma, Skalu pozitivnih vjerovanja o ruminaciji, Skalu negativnih vjerovanja o ruminaciji te upitnik općih podataka konstruiran za potrebe istraživanja.
Rezultati istraživanja sugeriraju da je ruminacija statistički značajan prediktor depresivnih simptoma tijekom trudnoće. Metakognitivna vjerovanja o ruminaciji (pozitivna i obje komponente negativnih) se nisu pokazali kao prediktori depresivnih simptoma tijekom trudnoće. Međutim, ruminacija i negativna vjerovanja o ruminaciji djelovali su kao parcijalni serijalni medijator u odnosu između pozitivnih vjerovanja o ruminaciji i depresivnosti. Dakle, metakognitivni model ruminacije i depresivnosti je djelomično potvrđen na skupini trudnica, a njegova važnost je i u praktičnim implikacijama primjenjivim pri unaprjeđenju psihoterapijskog rada koji se fokusira na metakognitivne procese u pozadini nastanka i održavanja depresivnosti.
Abstract (english) Depression during pregnancy represents a relatively underexplored public health issue manifesting in 10-13% of pregnant women, with untreated cases potentially yielding various negative consequences for the mother, child, family, and society. The etiology of pregnancy-related depression remains incompletely elucidated. The metacognitive theory of rumination and depression posits a pivotal role of rumination in the genesis of depression. Rumination involves persistent negative thinking (Papageorgiou and Wells, 2004), while metacognition encompasses beliefs and evaluations of one's own thinking as well as the capacity to regulate cognition (Papageorgiou and Wells, 2001a). According to this theory, positive metacognitive beliefs about rumination trigger its activation. Once activated, rumination becomes deleterious, with depressive symptoms intensifying through the activation of negative metacognitive beliefs about rumination. Given the promising theoretical and practical implications of this model, though limited in its application to the pregnant population, the aim of this research was to examine the metacognitive model of rumination and depression among pregnant women.
The study was conducted online with a sample of pregnant women in their second trimester (N=200). Participants completed the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, the Rumination Scale - Short Form, the Positive Beliefs about Rumination Scale, the Negative Beliefs about Rumination Scale, as well as a general information questionnaire constructed for the research purposes.
Findings from the study suggest that rumination is a statistically significant predictor of depressive symptoms during pregnancy. Metacognitive beliefs about rumination (both positive and the two components of negative) did not emerge as significant predictors of depressive symptoms during pregnancy. However, rumination and negative beliefs acted as partial serial mediators between positive beliefs about rumination and depression. Therefore, the metacognitive model of rumination and depression was partially confirmed within the cohort of pregnant women, with its significance extending to practical implications for enhancing psychotherapeutic work focusing on the metacognitive processes underlying onset and development of depressiveness.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:494598
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
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File origin Born digital
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Created on 2023-10-10 12:40:41