Sažetak | Jedan od glavnih pokazatelja demografske slike pojedinog društva je fertilitet. Fertilitet je u mnogim državama Europe, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj vrlo nizak. Niska stope fertiliteta u Hrvatskoj samo je jedan od demografskih problema sa kojim se Hrvatska nosi. Kako bi se pronašao uzrok tako niske stope fertiliteta treba ispitati žene i njihove odluke o rađanju djece. U današnjem modernom društvu uloga žena i muškaraca su se promijenile. Žene su ravnopravnije muškarcima, imaju mogućnost obrazovanja, razvijaju karijere i mogu donijeti odluku žele li ili ne žele rađati djecu. Ako se vratimo u početke ljudskog društva uloge žene i muškaraca su bile sasvim drugačije. Ženina uloga je bila brinuti o domu, ostvariti se kao majka te odgajati i brinuti se za djecu, dok je uloga muškarca bila financijski obezbjediti svoju obitelj. Takve uloge mogu se svrstati pod tradicionalnu podjelu uloga žene i muškaraca koje su još uvijek prisutne u današnjem duštvu. S druge strane u suvremenom društvu došlo je do jačanja individualizma pa tako žene odabiru posvetiti se vlastitim ciljevima, interesima, karijeri. Žene koje odlučuju dobrovoljno apstinirati od djece mogu biti stigmatizirane od strane društva jer ne rade ono što se od njih očekuje, a to je biti majkom. Opći cilj ovog rada je istražiti razloge niske stope fertiliteta kroz prizmu ženine odluke o imanju ili neimanju djece. Iz navedenog cilja proizašla su tri specifična cilja: istražiti imaju li svake od tri skupine žena: žene koje žele djecu, žene koje dobrovoljno ne žele djecu te žene koje odgađaju rađanje djece zajedničke karakteristike unutar iste skupine, ispitati povezanost stupnja obrazovanja žene i njezine odluke o rađanju i ispitati sustav vrijednosti svake od tri skupine žena. Rad je temeljen na kvalitativnom istraživanju, a metoda koja se koristila je polustrukturirani intervju proveden sa 9 žena. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da žene unutar iste skupine imaju zajedničke karakteristike, osobine unutar iste skupine, no rezultati se ne mogu poopćiti na cijelu populaciju zbog ograničenog broja sudionica. |
Sažetak (engleski) | One of the main indicators of the demographic profile of a society is fertility. In many European countries, including Croatia, fertility is very low. The low fertility rate in Croatia is just one of the demographic problems the country faces. To find the cause of such a low fertility rate, it is necessary to examine women and their decisions about having children. In today’s modern society, the roles of women and men have changed. Women are more equal to men,
have access to education, develop careers, and can decide whether or not to have children. If we go back to the beginnings of human society, the roles of women and men were quite different. A woman's role was to take care of the home, become a mother, and raise and care for the children, while the man's role was to financially support his family. Such roles can be classified under the traditional division of roles between women and men, which are still present in today's society. On the other hand, in contemporary society, there has been a strengthening of individualism, leading women to choose to dedicate themselves to their own goals, interests, and careers. Women who voluntarily abstain from having children can be stigmatised by society for not doing what is expected of them, which is to become mothers. The general aim of this research is to explore the reasons for the low fertility rate through the lens of a woman's decision to have or not have children. From this aim, three specific goals emerged: to explore whether each of the three groups of women—women who want children, women who voluntarily do not want children, and women who postpone childbirth—share common characteristics within the same group; to examine the relationship between a woman's level of education and her decision to have children; and to examine the value system of each of the three groups of women. The paper is based on qualitative research, and the method used was a semi-structured interview conducted with nine women. The research results showed that women within the same group have common characteristics and traits within the same group, but the results cannot be generalised to the entire population due to the limited number of participants. |