Sažetak | Uvod: Populacija osoba starije životne dobi postala je javno zdravstveni problem s aspekta
skrbi i potreba osoba starije životne dobi. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (SZO) predviđa
da će broj oboljelih od karcinoma u periodu od 2014 do 2035. godine se povećati s 14 milijuna
na 24 milijuna. Predviđa se da bi broj umrlih od karcinoma porastao sa 8.2 milijuna na 13
milijuna godišnje. Takve prognoze vezane su za porast starijeg stanovništva kako u svijetu
tako i u Europi. Prosječna starost hrvatskog stanovništva raste iz godine u godinu. Tako je
prosječna starost hrvatskog stanovništva u 2001.godini bila 39.3 godine starosti, dok je 2011.
godine prosječna starost iznosila 41.7 godina starosti pri čemu je udio stanovnika Hrvatske
starijih od 65 godina s 15.7%u 2001. godini, porastao na 17.7% u 2011. godini.
Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanje je ispitati kakvi su stavovi i sklonosti urbane populacije grada
Zagreba glede smještaja tijekom palijativne skrbi u uznapredovanom stadiju maligne bolesti.
Metode: Za potrebe izrade diplomskog rada provedeno je presječno istraživanje u periodu
od 15.11.2019 do 15.05.2020. godine kod bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem koji prebivaju na
području grada Zagreba. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 60 ispitanika oba spola starijih od
osamnaest godina, koji su potpisali informirani pristanak za ispunjavanja upitnika nakon što
im je objašnjena svrha istraživanja.
Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 25 muških i 35 ženskih ispitanika. Najviše ispitanika
je u dobnoj skupini od 45 – 64 godine starosti. Prevladavaju ispitanici koji su u radnom
odnosu, njih 55,95. Uzimajući u obzir stručnu spremu ispitanika, prevladavaju ispitanici sa
SSS, njih 46,7%. Najviše ispitanika je u braku, njih 66,7%. Uočena je statistički značajna
razlika u načinu otkrivanja zloćudne bolesti, 50% muških ispitanika je pregledom u
zdravstvenoj ustanovi spoznalo da boluje od malignog oboljenja, dok je 33,3 ženskih
ispitanika otkrilo samopregledom. Organizacijom zdravstvene skrbi zadovoljno je 64%
muških ispitanika, dok 64,75% ženskih ispitanika nije zadovoljno. Uslugom zdravstvene
skrbi zadovoljno je 100% ispitanika iznad 75. godina života, dok je 14,3% ispitanika u dobi
od 24 - 34. godine najmanje zadovoljno. Potpunu potporu obitelji ima 76,9% - 87,5 %
ispitanika u dobi od 35 - 74. godine života, dok najmanju potporu imaju ispitanici u dobi od
24 34 . godine života, njih 23,6%. Većina ispitanika, njih 62,5% svoje preostalo vrijeme života
želi provesti kod kuće u krugu obitelji. Nadalje 66,7% ispitanika koji su se izjasnili da žele
svoje preostalo vrijeme provesti u nekoj od ustanova, razlog navode da ne žele biti na teret
Zaključak: Hipoteza da bi većina bolesnika s malignom bolešću htjela ostati u svom
domu okružena sa svojom obitelji i prijateljima je potvrđena na temelju dobivenih rezultata
jer se njih 62,5% izjasnilo u tom smislu .
Hipoteza da na stavove bolesnika s malignom bolešću koji žele biti smješteni u
bolničkim ili izvanbolničkim ustanovama najznačajnije utječe obiteljska situacija također je
potvrđena. Naime, rezultati istraživanja upućuju da bi 25% ispitanika preostalo vrijeme
željeli provesti u nekoj zdravstvenoj ustanovi, a 12,5% ispitanika se izjasnilo u domu za
starije i nemoćne. Razlog za takvu odluku 66,7% ispitanika navodi da ne želi biti teret
obitelji, dok 33,3% misli da će imati bolje uvjete u zdravstvenoj ustanovi. Ovo istraživanje
nije ulazilo u dublje razloge obiteljske situacije zbog koje se ispitanici odlučuju na odgovor
da ne žele biti na teret obitelji. Može se pretpostaviti da bi u slučaju bolje organizirane
palijativne skrbi u kući dio njih radije ostao u svom domu kao i većina onih koji su se tako
izjasnili. To upućuje na potrebu jačanja svih sastavnica palijativne skrbi, a naročito
palijativne skrbi u kući bolesnika. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction: The elderly population has become a public health problem in terms of the
care and needs of the elderly. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that the
number of cancer patients will increase from 14 million to 24 million between 2014 and 2035.
The death toll from cancer is projected to rise from 8.2 million to 13 million a year. Such
forecasts are related to the growth of the elderly population both in the world and in Europe.
The average age of the Croatian population is growing from year to year. Thus, the average
age of the Croatian population in 2001 was 39.3 of the age, while in 2011 the average age was
41.7 of the age, with the share of the Croatian population over 65 rising from 15.7% in 2001 to
17.7%. in 2011.
Objective: The aim of this research is to examine the attitudes and preferences of the urban
population of the city of Zagreb regarding accommodation during palliative care in the
advanced stage of malignant disease.
Methods: For the purposes of preparing the diploma thesis, a cross-sectional research was
conducted in the period from 15.11.2019 to 15.05.2020. in patients with malignant disease
residing in the city of Zagreb. The study involved 60 respondents of both sexes over the age
of eighteen, who signed an informed consent to complete the questionnaire after being
explained the purpose of the study.
Results: The study involved 25 male and 35 female respondents. Most respondents are in the
age group of 45-64 years. The majority of respondents are employed, 55.95 of them. Taking
into account the professional qualifications of the respondents, respondents with medium
education predominate, 46.7% of them. Most respondents are married, 66.7%. There was a
statistically significant difference in the way of detecting a malignant disease, 50% of male
respondents found out that they were suffering from a malignant disease, while 33.3 female
subjects found out by self-examination. 64% of male respondents are satisfied with the
organization of health care, while 64.75% of female respondents are not satisfied. 100% of
respondents over the age of 75 are satisfied with the health care service, while 14.3% of
respondents aged 24-34 are the least satisfied. 76.9% - 87.5% of respondents aged 35 - 74 have
full family support, while respondents aged 24 34 have the least support. years of age, 23.6%
of them. Most respondents, 62.5% of them, want to spend their remaining life at home with
their families. Furthermore, 66.7% of respondents who stated that they want to spend their
remaining time in one of the institutions, state that they do not want to be at the expense of
their family.
Conclusion: The hypothesis that most patients with malignant disease would like to stay in
their home surrounded by their family and friends was confirmed based on the results
obtained as 62.5% of them declared themselves in this regard.
The hypothesis that the attitudes of patients with malignant disease who want to be placed
in hospital or outpatient facilities is most significantly influenced by the family situation has
also been confirmed. Namely, the results of the research indicate that 25% of the respondents
would like to spend the remaining time in a health istitution, and 12,5% of the respondents
declared themselves in a home for the elderly and infirm. The reason for such a decision is
66.7% of respondents stating that they do not want to be a burden to the family, while 33.3%
think that they will have better conditions in the health institution. This research did not go
into the deeper reasons of the family situation which is why respondents choose to answer
that they do not want to be a burden to the family. It can be assumed that in the case of better
organized palliative care at home, some of them would rather stay in their home, as well as
most of those who said so. This points to the need to strengthen all components of palliative
care, and especially palliative care in the patient's home. |