Sažetak | Gradovi 21. stoljeća mijenjaju se pod snažnim utjecajem rapidne urbanizacije, globalizacije te razvoja informacijsko – komunikacijske tehnologije. Posljedice njihova utjecaja su i nastojanja da se gradovi razvijaju na temeljnim principima održivosti, koji postaju dominantan diskurs postmodernog društva. Unutarnja logika razvoja pokazuje da ne postoji jedan univerzalan način razvoja gradova već da se oni razvijaju sukladno socio-kulturnim te prostorno-vremenskim specifičnostima. Taj prostor svojevrsne neizvjesnosti, čuva zalihu ili „višak“ mogućnosti, koji u razvojnom smislu omogućuje promjene smjera, upisivanje razlika, te prilagodbu lokalno deriviranih inovacija. Tržnica je u urbanim okvirima oduvijek bila prostor par excellence. Ona je jedna od najotpornijih urbanih institucija, ishodište i pokretač razvoja urbsa. Zauzimajući središnje mjesto, povijesno, u strukturi grada, snažno se upisuje u njegov identitet kao javni prostor interakcija, razmjene i susreta, zbog čega se u suvremenoj postmodernoj paradigmi održivog razvoja grada afirmira kao mjesto velikog razvojnog potencijala. Cilj doktorske disertacije bio je ispitati transformativne potencijale zagrebačkih tržnica u kontekstu postmodernog paradigmatskog pristupa gradu koji se temelji na vrijednostima održivosti. Kako bi se odgovorilo na postavljene ciljeve i hipoteze istraživanja korišten je postpozitivistički metodološki pristup. Prije provedbe istraživanja napravljena je analiza stanja prema relevantnoj dokumentaciji. U istraživanju je korištena kvantitativna metodologija na uzorku studenata specifičnih studijskih usmjerenja (N = 300) te na uzorku posjetitelja zagrebačkih tržnica (N = 297). Također, korištena je kvalitativna metodologija na uzorku 45 sudionika koji pripadaju trima skupinama: posjetiteljima, prodavačima te stručnjacima (civilni akteri, urbanisti/arhitekti, krajobrazni arhitekti, pripadnici lokalne vlasti). Različite društvene skupine, usprkos različitim značenjima koja pridaju tržnicama, tržnicu percipiraju kao mjesto ekološke, ekonomske, socijalne i kulturne održivosti. S obzirom na različit spektar društvenih odnosa koji se odvijaju na prostorima tržnice, zagrebačke se tržnice mogu percipirati kao specifična socijalna infrastruktura grada te kao mjesto jačanja i generiranja socijalnog kapitala među članovima lokalne zajednice. Konačno, tržnice možemo smatrati mjestima koja se (su)oblikuju prema postmodernim vrijednostima uključivosti, participativnosti i održivosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | One of the most important features of contemporary urban sociology lies in the complexity of socio-spatial phenomena characterized by their processuality and dynamism. In contemporary urban sociology, the approach of linear and evolutionary conception of urbanisation and urban development is rejected. Cities and urban phenomena are now understood as complex networks of processes in which seemingly “immutable” physical and social structures are constantly changing. Classical sociology, through the Chicago School of Urban Sociology, has left a rich heritage and a number of important studies on the everyday life of the cities and inhabitants of their time. However, in addition to the need for recognition of the rich heritage of the 1970s, associated with discussions on the postmodern turn in the social sciences, certain criticisms have been highlighted that need to be overcome in order to form descriptive instruments that will be sufficient to analyze the processes and changes in contemporary cities. Cities of the 21st century are changing under the strong influence of rapid urbanization, globalization and the development of information and communication technology. The consequences of their influence are also efforts to develop cities on the fundamental principles of sustainability, which are becoming the dominant discourse of contemporary society. In other words, nowadays new models of urbanism are sought, based on the fundamental principles of sustainability, that will be suitable for understanding the socio-spatial issues covered by urban sociology. Despite general trends and influences, it seems that cities, as well as societies, are shaping their internal logic of development that is not completely predictable and determined. The internal logic of development shows that there is no universal way of developing cities, but that they develop in accordance with socio-cultural and spatio-temporal specificities. This space of unique unpredictability preserves a stock or “surplus” of possibilities that, in terms of development, enables changes of direction, arising of differences, adaptation, but also ultimately locally derived innovations. Research in the field of urban sociology describes the complex dynamics of urban processes through a series of contradictory issues that address the relationship between global and local, public and private, nature and technology, culture and economy. In this context, the inevitable question becomes the (co)relations between the old and the new, traditional and innovative through which the complexities of socio-spatial aspects of the city are best manifested. In the context of accelerating the dynamics of change, globalization pressures lead to the unification of urban
lifestyles, including urban structures, and the attitude towards traditional urban heritage becomes a key issue as a determinant of development and innovation strategies and potentials. The key feature of contradictory relations is what emerges from them – the infinity of variations and the birth of (local) hybrid forms that transform the city and urban space in an unprecedented way in the physical, social, cultural, identity sense. The attitude towards tradition in the urban context is also related to the concepts of identity or community based on a specific "sense of place", i.e. the processes of connecting and identifying a social community with spaces of identity. |