Sažetak | Poboljšanje životnih uvjeta i konstantan napredak suvremene medicine rezultirao je produženjem životnoga vijeka stanovništva, a paralelno s tim, povećava se broj izgubljenih/izvađenih zuba, a samim time i potreba za protetskom sanacijom usne šupljine.
Uporabom pomičnih zubnih proteza nastoji se obnoviti žvačna funkcija, estetika i fonacija, te profilaktički djelovati na tkiva stomatognatoga sustava. Stoga je važan cjelovit pristup u zbrinjavanju bezubih pacijenata koji ne podrazumijeva samo izradu zubnih proteza već i održavanje njihove higijene čemu u mnogome doprinose detaljno date upute, usmene i pisane, od djelatnika stomatološkog tima te pozivi na redovite kontrolne preglede.
Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio ocijeniti kvalitetu održavanja higijene pomičnih zubnih proteza te ih povezati sa faktorima koji mogu utjecati na nju: dob, spol, školska sprema, zanimanje, pušenje, veličina mjesta stanovanja, ukupna dužina nošenja proteze (bezubosti), dužina nošenja postojeće proteze, popravci proteze, informiranost o čišćenju proteze, nošenje proteze tijekom noći, način i učestalost čišćenja proteze.
Istraživanje je provedeno na Kliničkom zavodu za stomatološku protetiku, u KB „Dubrava“u kojem je sudjelovalo 109 dobrovoljnih ispitanika kojima je jedan ispitivač vizualno ocjenjivao čistoću proteza upotrebom Indeksa čistoće proteza. Potom su ispitanici anonimno popunjavali upitnik, posebno izrađen za ovo istraživanje, s pitanjima povezanim s higijenom zubnih proteza.
U ovom istraživanju dobiveni su relativno loši rezultati higijene zubnih proteza. Oni su bili najlošiji u najstarijoj skupini ispitanika (>=71 godina), a dok su kod gornjih proteza bivši pušači imali najlošiju higijenu. Čistoća zubnih proteza nije bila povezana sa spolom, školskom spremom, zanimanjem i urbanitetom ispitanika. Učestalost održavanja higijene nije imalo utjecaja na čistoću proteze, te nije zabilježena statistički značajna razlika u čistoći proteza ovisno o sredstvu koje se koristi uz četkanje ispitanika. Ispitanici koji su primili informacije o čišćenju proteza imali su bolju higijenu od onih koji to nisu.
Uloga stomatologa, ali i medicinske sestre – zubne asistentice značajna je u informiranosti nositelja zubnih proteza o održavanju higijene, što pak (ne)posredno utječe na nju. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The improvement of living conditions and the constant progress of modern medicine has resulted in an extension of the life expectancy of the population, and in parallel, the number of lost/extracted teeth is increasing, and thus the need for prosthetic rehabilitation of the oral cavity.
The use of removable dentures tends to restore masticatory function, aesthetics and phonation, and to have a prophylactic effect on the tissues of the stomatognathic system. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to the care of toothless patients is important, which includes not only the production of dentures but also the maintenance of their hygiene. To that, in many ways, contribute detailed instructions, both oral and written, given from the dental team members as well the calls for regular checkups.
The aim of this study was to assess the quality of hygiene maintenance of removable dentures and connect them to factors that may affect it: age, gender, education, occupation, smoking, size of the place of residence, total length of wearing dentures (edentulousness), length of wearing existing dentures, prosthesis repairs, received information on denture cleaning, wearing dentures during the night, method and frequency of denture cleaning.
The research was conducted at the Clinical Department of Prosthodontics, in Clinical Hospital "Dubrava" in which 109 voluntaries participated. One examiner visually assessed the cleanliness of their prostheses using the Denture Cleanliness Index. Participants then anonymously completed a questionnaire, specially designed for this study, with questions related to dental prostheses hygiene.
In this research, relatively poor results of denture hygiene were obtained. They were the worst in the oldest group of subjects (> = 71 years), while the former smokers had the worst hygiene of upper prostheses. The cleanliness of the dentures was not related to the gender, education, occupation and urbanity of the participants. The frequency of hygiene maintenance had no effect on the denture cleanliness, and no statistically significant difference in denture cleanliness was recorded depending on the agent used during brushing. Participants who received information on denture cleaning had better hygiene than those who did not.
The role of the dentist, but also the nurse - dental assistant is important in informing the dental prostheses wearers about maintaining hygiene, which in turn (indirectly) affects it. |