Sažetak | Uvod
Multipla skleroza (MS) je kronična upalna bolest središnjeg živčanog sustava (SŽS) koja predstavlja izazov suvremene medicine zbog nepoznate etiologije i nepredvidljivog tijeka bolesti. Najčešća je kronična bolest današnjice koja narušava integritet i kvalitetu života oboljelih osoba, ostavljajući pri tome brojne psihičke i fizičke posljedice. Kod svake osobe bolest se manifestira na različit način, promijenjenom mobilnosti, promjenama u kognitivnom i emocionalnom funkcioniranju, što za posljedicu dovodi i do promjena u radnom, obiteljskom i socijalnom funkcioniranju.
U ovom istraživanju ispitat će se razina depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa kod oboljelih od multiple skleroze, te povezanost izraženosti simptoma s dobi, trajanjem bolesti i stupnjem invalidnosti. Isto tako, ispitivat će se razlika u izraženosti simptoma obzirom na spol.
Sudionici su bile osobe oboljele multiple skleroze koje se liječe u Klinici za neurologiju KBC Sestre milosrdnice u Zagrebu. Svaki sudionik prije samog uključivanja u istraživanje bio je upoznat sa sadržajem istraživanja te je dobrovoljno potpisao informirani pristanak. Zatim je ispunio upitnik općih podataka, DASS-21 upitnik, a podatak o stupnju invalidnosti uzet je iz medicinske dokumentacije bolesnika. Ispitivanje je provedeno kroz vremensko razdoblje od 6 mjeseci, od 01. ožujka 2021 godine do 01. rujna 2021.godine, a u istraživanje je bilo uključeno 100 sudionika bez obzira na spol.
Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da se u ovom istraživanju radi o prisutnosti blage depresivnosti i blagog stresa te umjerene anksioznosti. Ukazuju i da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u izraženosti ispitivanih varijabli obzirom na spol, te ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa s dobi, trajanjem bolesti i stupanjem invalidnosti bolesnika. Vidljivo je da postoji statistički značajna povezanost dobi s trajanjem bolesti, odnosno da kod starijih sudionika istraživanja bolest statistički značajno dulje traje. Sudionici koji su stariji imaju statistički značajno izraženiji stupanj invalidnosti. Sudionici koji imaju izraženiju depresivnost imaju i statistički značajno izraženiju i anksioznost i stres.
Psihološki problemi kod oboljelih od multiple skleroze često ostanu zasjenjeni drugim simptomima ili neprepoznati pa se i njihovom liječenju ne pristupa adekvatno i na vrijeme što znatno narušava kvalitetu života oboljelih. Zbog toga se svakom bolesniku treba pristupiti individualno i na vrijeme jer pravodobno otkrivanje psiholoških problema i njihovo rješavanje doprinosi boljem liječenju i poboljšava cjelokupnu kvalitetu njihova života. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that poses a challenge to modern medicine due to its unknown etiology and unpredictable course of the disease. It is the most common chronic disease of today, which disrupts the integrity and quality of life of patients, leaving numerous psychological and physical consequences. In each person, the disease manifests itself in different ways, with changed mobility, changes in cognitive and emotional functioning, which in turn leads to changes in work, family and social functioning.
This study will examine the level of depression, anxiety and stress in people with multiple sclerosis, as well as the relation between the severity of symptoms with age, disease duration and degree of disability. Likewise, the difference in the severity of symptoms according to gender will be examined.
The participants were people with multiple sclerosis who are being treated at the Clinic of Neurology, KBC Sestre milosrdnice in Zagreb. Before participating in the research, each participant was made familiar with the content of the research and voluntarily signed an informed consent. They then completed a general data questionnaire, a DASS-21 questionnaire, and data on the degree of disability was taken from the patient’s medical records. The study was conducted over a period of 6 months, from March 1, 2021 to August 1, 2021, and the study included 100 participants regardless of gender.
The results
The obtained results indicate that in this study mild depression and mild stress and moderate anxiety are present. The results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in the severity of the examined variables with respect to gender, and there is no statistically significant association of depression, anxiety and stress with age, disease
duration and the degree of disability of patients. It is evident that there is a statistically significant association of age with the duration of the disease, i.e. that in older study participants the disease lasts statistically significantly longer. Older participants have a statistically significantly more pronounced degree of disability. Participants who have more pronounced depression also have statistically significantly more pronounced anxiety and stress.
Psychological problems in patients with multiple sclerosis often remain eclipsed by other symptoms or unrecognized, so their treatment is not initiated adequately and in time, which significantly impairs the quality of life of patients. Therefore, each patient should be approached individually and on time because timely detection of psychological problems and their resolution contributes to better treatment and improves the overall quality of their lives. |