Title Analiza rodnih uloga u animiranom filmu "Snježno kraljevstvo"
Title (english) Analysis of gender roles in the animated movie ,,Frozen”
Author Iva Liović
Mentor Irena Sever Globan (mentor)
Committee member Jasna Ćurković Nimac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Mališa (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Sever Globan (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-02-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Medijski sadržaji imaju veliku ulogu u percepciji i shvaćanju stvarnosti kod djece i to je posebice vidljivo pri izloženosti djece različitim televizijskim sadržajima. Animirani film „Snježno kraljevstvo“ je zbog svoje izrazite globalne popularnosti omiljen među djecom već od najmlađega uzrasta, te ga je stoga korisno, ali i nužno istražiti i u sklopu medijskih studija, posebice zbog pretpostavljene prisutnosti rodnih uloga i stereotipizacije muških i ženskih likova - pojava koje mogu, uslijed različitih čimbenika, postati dio dječjeg odrastanja i razvoja. Proces percepcije rodnih uloga kod djece može konstruirati njihovu percepciju stvarnosti putem učenja, promatranja i imitacije. Rodna stereotipizacija označava shematski, pojednostavljen i nerijetko teško promjenjiv odnos prema nekome ili nečemu te se sastoji od skupa uvjerenja i mišljenja koje se stvaraju osobnim iskustvom ili dugotrajnom izloženošću prikazima medijskih likova i/ili okoline u kojoj se nalaze. Cilj ovoga rada je analizirati rodne uloge u animiranom filmu „Snježno kraljevstvo“ kvalitativnom istraživačkom metodom analize narativa odabranih sekvenci u kojima se pojavljuju dva glavna ženska i dva glavna muška lika. Ciljevi ovoga rada su, prema definiciji rodnih uloga te procesima percepcije medijski konstruirane stvarnosti, utvrđivanje načina prezentacije uloga muškaraca i žena te identificiranje uloga koje su od njih očekivane, poželjne, prihvaćene ili neprihvaćene. Rezultatima istraživanja također će se dobiti i detaljniji uvid u ulogu i važnost medijskog odgoja te kritičke analize takvih sadržaja u dječjem odrastanju, dok će obrazac korišten za kvalitativnu istraživačku metodu – analizu narativa odabranih sekvenci, moći biti i svojevrstan znanstveni doprinos u istraživanjima i drugih animiranih filmova te rodnih uloga među likovima.
Abstract (english) Media content plays a major role in the perception and understanding of reality in children's mind and this is especially evident when they are exposed to different television content. Due to its strong global popularity, the animated film “Frozen“ is a favorite among children from an early age and up, so it is useful, but also necessary to explore it in media studies, especially because of the presence of gender roles and stereotyping of male and female characters - due to various factors, become part of a child’s upbringing and development. The process of perception of gender roles in children's minds can construct their perception of reality through learning, observation and imitation. Gender stereotyping refers to a schematic, simplified and often difficult to change attitude towards someone or something and consists of a set of beliefs and opinions that are created by personal experience or long-term exposure to media characters and / or the environment in which they find themselves. The aim of this paper is to analyze gender roles in the animated film “Frozen“ by a qualitative research method of analyzing narratives of selected sequences in which two main female and two main male characters appear. The tasks of this paper are, according to the definition of gender roles and the processes of perception of media-constructed reality, determining the way of presenting the roles of men and women and identifying the roles that are expected, desirable, accepted or not accepted. The results of the research will also provide a more detailed insight into the role and importance of media education and critical analysis of such content for children, while the form used for a qualitative research method - analysis of narratives of animated sequences, can be a kind of scientific contribution to research and other animated movies and gender roles between characters.
animirani film
rodne uloge
Snježno kraljevstvo
analiza narativa
Keywords (english)
animated movie
gender roles
narrative analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:675435
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-02-25 09:10:39