Title Utjecaj specifičnih aktivnosti medicinske sestre enterostomalnog terapeuta na kvalitetu života osoba sa stomom
Author Ivanka Benčić
Mentor Mladen Stanec (mentor)
Committee member Dubravko Habek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Sambunjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Stanec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Čerkez Habek (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Stoma predstavlja kirurški kreiran otvor unutarnjeg organa na površini tijela. Derivacijske stome služe za pražnjenje tjelesnih sadržaja (stolica, urin, slina). Stoma može značajno narušiti kvalitetu života u tjelesnom, psihološkom i socijalnom vidu života. Zdravstvena skrb za osobu sa stomom usmjerena je prema pojedincu i bliskim osobama u zdravstveno-odgojnom te psihološkom smislu. Takvu vrstu zdravstvene njege pruža medicinska sestra enterostomalni terapeut (ET). Enterostomalni terapeut je medicinska sestra specijalizirana za područje rana, stoma i inkontinencije. Za potrebe diplomskog rada provedeno je istraživanje s ciljem potvrde hipoteze, daosobe sa stomom u čije liječenje se uključuju ET, imaju ukupno bolje ishode liječenja, veći stupanj kvalitete života i samostalnosti. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 90 ispitanika. Ispitanici skupine 1imaju stomu do 30 dana, skupina 2 do 1 godine. Skupinu 3 čine članovi Ilco udruge osoba sa stomom i nositelji su stome od jedne i više godina. Metoda istraživanja je anketiranje upitnikom tri skupine osoba sa stomom. Skupina 1 i 2 tretirane su u liječenju od strane medicinske sestre ET, skupina 3 od strane medicinske sestre sa standardnim stupnjem znanja o stomi. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju hipotezu o boljim ishodima liječenja kod osoba sa stomom u čiju je zdravstvenu skrb uključena medicinska sestra ET. Kod skupine 1 i 2, u svim ispitanim kategorijama nalazimo visok stupanj samostalnosti, uključenosti obitelji i bliskih osoba u edukacijske procese (96,7%), manji broj rehospitalizacija te ranih ili kasnih komplikacija stoma. Kod skupine 3 i nakon dužeg perioda života sa stomom, nalazimo poteškoće sa prilagodbom u mnogim segmentima življenja. Markiranje pozicije stoma, ključan segment u formiranju stome, proveden je u skupini 1 kod 70% ispitanika, skupini 2 kod 33% ispitanika, a u skupini 3 ni kod jednog ispitanika. Preoperativno informiranje bolesnika o mogućnosti formiranja stome provedeno je u skupini 1 kod 96% ispitanika, u skupini 2 kod 76% ispitanika, a u skupini 3 kod 40% ispitanika. U sve tri skupine nalazimo izražen visoki stupanj suglasnosti o potrebi osnivanja posebne savjetodavne službe za osobe sa stomom (do 97,33%) ispitanika. 93% ispitanika sve tri skupine izražava potrebu za postojanjem medicinske sestre enterostomalnog terapeuta u zdravstvenom sustavu.
Abstract (english) Stoma is surgically created opening of internal organ to the body surface. Derivations (stomas) enableelimination of body excrements (e.g. feces, urine and saliva). Stoma may significantly decrease quality of life (psychical, psychological and social functioning). Health care of the stoma patient has to be directed towards the individual and his/her relatives in technical, educational and psychological sense. This kind of care is provided by the specially trained nurses - enterostomaltherapists (ET). Enterostomal therapist is specially trained in management of wounds, stomas and incontinence.
For the purpose of this thesis, the following research was conducted: primary goal was to confirm the hypothesis that stoma patients under the care of ET nurse have in total better therapy outcomes and higher level of life quality and autonomy. This clinical research included 90 subjects divided into three groups of 30 subjects. Group 1 included subjects that had stoma up to 30 days, Group 2 up to 1 year, and Group 3 included members of Ilco patient group with stoma longer than a year. Method used was a survey. Care of subjects in Group 1 and 2 was conducted by the ET nurses, while care of subjects in Group 3 was conducted by the regular nurses.
Results of this research confirmed the hypothesis about better therapy outcomes at patients with stoma where the ET nurses were involved in the patient care. In Group 1 and 2, the following was confirmed in all studied categories: high level of autonomy and inclusion of family and relatives in educational processes (96,7%), lower number of re-hospitalizations, as well as less early or late-onset of stoma complications. In Group 3, even after longer period of life with stoma, difficulties with adjustment in many life segments were noticed. Stoma site positioning as a key segment in stoma forming was performed at 70% of subjects in Group 1, 33% of subjects in Group 2 and at none of the subjects of subjects in Group 3. Pre-operative information about the possibility of stoma forming is given to the 96% of subjects in Group 1, 76 in Group 2 and 40% in Group 3. Subjects in all three cohorts expressed their need to have specialized support service for patients with stoma (up to 97,33%). 93% of subjects in all three cohorts expressed their need for ET nurse in the healthcare system.
osoba sa stomom
kvaliteta života
ishodi liječenja
enterostomalni terapeut
Keywords (english)
stoma patient
quality of life
therapy outcome
entherostomal therapist(ET)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:681521
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
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Created on 2018-08-31 12:51:35