Title Stav medicinskih sestara i tehničara o radu u COVID-19 jedinicama
Title (english) Attitudes of Nurses and Technicians about Potential Work in COVID-19 Units
Author Renata Krišto
Mentor Melita Uremović (mentor)
Committee member Suzana Bukovski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mate Car (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Uremović (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia (Department of Nursing) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Uvod: Pandemija bolesti COVID-19 postala je najveći javnozdravstveni problem u svijetu. Medicinske sestre i tehničari kao najveća skupina radne snage u sklopu zdravstvenog sustava imaju vaţnu ulogu u rješavanju tog problema. Zdravstveno osoblje suočavalo se s preraspodjelom na krizna radilišta, potrebom za brzim djelovanjem, provedbom edukacije koja je od početka bila kratka i ubrzana s ciljem usvajanja potrebnih znanja i rukovanja osnovnom zaštitnom opremom potrebnom u radu s pacijentima kojima je dijagnosticirana bolest COVID-19. Kod medicinskih sestara i tehničara uslijed suočavanja s nepoznatom situacijom, brige za bolesnike, kao i za svoje bliţnje mijenjao se stav o bolesti i radu sa oboljelima od bolesti COVID-19.
Cilj istraţivanja: Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je procijeniti razinu znanja i stavove medicinskih sestara i tehničara o radu s pacijentima kojima je dijagnosticiran COVID-19.
Metode: Provedeno je presječno istraţivanje odobreno od strane Etičkog povjerenstva Odjela za sestrinstvo Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta. U istraţivanju su sudjelovali medicinske sestre i tehničari koji su ispunjavali anonimnu anketu koja je bila dostupna za ispunjavanje preko on-line Google Forms aplikacije. Prilikom obrade podataka rađene su tablice frekvencija, računate su aritmetičke sredine i standardne devijacije za prikazivanje prosječnih rezultata ispitivanih konstrukata.
Rezultati: U istraţivanju su sudjelovali medicinske sestre i tehničari (N=135) prosječne dobi M=37,7 godina, u rasponu od 21 do 66 godina. Istraţivanje je provedeno u periodu od 4. kolovoza do 4.rujna 2021. godine. Postavljene su dvije hipoteze od kojih je jedna djelomično, a druga u potpunosti potvrđena. U prvoj hipotezi pretpostavilo se da će medicinske sestre i tehničari koji rade u kliničkim bolničkim centrima ili kliničkim bolnicama imati veću razinu znanja i pozitivan stav o skrbi za pacijente kojima je dijagnosticiran COVID-19. To je djelomično utvrđeno zato što su iskazali veću razinu znanja o nekim aspektima nošenja zaštitne opreme pri njegovanju bolesnika kojima je dijagnosticiran COVID-19 za razliku od medicinskih sestara i tehničara koji rade u drugim ustanovama (poliklinike, lječilišta, bolnice, dom zdravlja, ustanova za hitnu medicinsku pomoć, vrtić, škola, dom za starije osobe). Međutim, nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u stavovima između ove dvije skupine sudionika. Drugo, medicinske
sestre i tehničari koji imaju djecu iskazali su manju spremnost za rad s pacijentima kojima je dijagnosticirana bolest COVID-19 nego oni koji nemaju djecu, čime se potvrdila druga hipoteza.
Zaključak: Istraţivanjem se pokazalo da medicinske sestre i tehničari imaju visoku razinu znanja o bolesti COVID-19 i pozitivan stav prema radu s pacijentima kojima je dijagnosticirana bolest COVID-19, a medicinske sestre i tehničari koji imaju djecu iskazali su manju spremnost za rad s pacijentima kojima je dijagnosticirana bolest COVID-19.
Abstract (english) Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has become the biggest public health problem in the world. Nurses and technicians as the biggest workforce within the healthcare system have an important role in solving that problem. The medical staff has dealt with redeployment to crisis areas, the need for acting fast, the implementation of training that was short and expedited and whose aim was to acquire the necessary knowledge of using basic protective equipment needed to work with patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Nurses and technicians have been changing their attitude to the disease and to working with the patients suffering from COVID-19 while facing the unknown, taking care of the patients and of their loved ones.
Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the level of knowledge and attitudes of nurses and tehnicians to working with patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted after it was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Nursing Department of the Croatian Catholic University. Nurses and technicians of all age groups participated in the study by completing a Google Forms questionnaire available online. While processing the data, frequency tables were made, arithmetic means and standard deviations were calculated in order to present the average results of the tested constructs.
Results: Nurses and technicians (N = 135) with an average age of M = 37.7 years, ranging from 21 to 66 years, participated in the study. The research was done in the period between the 4th of August and the 4th of September, 2021.. Two hypotheses were set up, one of which was partially and the other fully confirmed. In the first hypothesis, it was assumed that the nurses and technicians working in clinical hospitals would have a higher level of knowledge and a more positive attitude to caring for patients diagnosed with COVID-19. That was partially proven because they showed a higher level of knowledge about some aspects of wearing protective equipment when caring for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 than nurses and technicians working in other facilities (polyclinic, health resort, hospital, health center, emergency medical institution, kindergarten, school, home for the elderly). However, no statistically significant differences in attitudes were found between these two groups of participants. Secondly, nurses and technicians who have children proved to be less willing to
work with patients diagnosed with COVID-19 than those who do not have children, thus confirming the second hypothesis.
Conclusion: The study showed that nurses and technicians have a high level of knowledge about COVID-19 and a positive attitude to working with patients diagnosed with COVID-19 while nurses and technicians who have children expressed less willingness to work with patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
medicinske sestre i tehničari
COVID-19 bolesnici
Keywords (english)
nurses and technicians
COVID-19 patients
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:886662
Study programme Title: Department of Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-10-17 08:18:38